My Mom is dead.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

There are no perfect words, of course. We can tell you loved her and can feel your pain, please don’t hesitate to share your feelings with us.

I, for one, would love to know a little more about her, should you feel so inclined.

I will be remembering you and your family in my prayers.

I’m sorry for your loss, Surly Chick. :frowning:

Sorry for your loss. My condolences.

I’m sorry you lost your mother. It’s one of the hardest things to endure, but you will get through it.

Take care.

I’m so sorry for you loss.

I’m sorry to hear about your mom. Losing a parent can feel like everything you thought you knew about how the world works has just been set on its ear. When my dad died, I felt like my one true identity, daughter, had been taken from me to some extent. And my dad was always there, my whole life. I never had a life before him, so being without him was very hard.

Be gentle with yourself and try to allow yourself to feel things as fully as you need to. It sucks. There’s no two ways about it. Grief is the worst feeling in the world, and it’s not an event but a process.

There are no right ways and wrong ways, just ways that work for you and ways that don’t–and you won’t necessarily know what those ways are until you try.

Keep talking whenever you can. It really does help.

I wish you well.

{{{hugs}}} {{{hugs}}}{{{hugs}}} and more {{{hugs}}}

I’m sorry

Very very sad. Very sorry.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

If you sing at your mother’s funeral because she wanted you to do so, it will be beautiful no matter what.

My prayers are for your peace.


I’m so sorry – I can’t imagine how hard it will be to lose my mom.

I’m so sorry. I still miss my mom and it’s been 13 years.

SurlyChick I’m so sorry for your loss. Your mom, dad, siblings, nephews, you and the rest of your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

I’m sure you’ll sing beautifully tomorrow.

Surly Chick, I’m sorry for your troubles.:frowning:

I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My best thoughts are with you and your family and hope you can all have peace. Please vent here as much as you need. Also, I’m always glad to listen if you need someone to PM

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Very sorry to hear the news of your terrible loss. Lean on us as much as you want to.

i’m so sorry. may her memory be eternal.

i sang at my mum’s funeral, i was thankful that i was just one voice in a nice sized choir and not solo. i did the readings of the psalms solo for the viewing, and as people started arriving my cuz took over for me. there is a comfort doing some last few things for your mom.

I’m so sorry for your loss, Surly.

I sang at my grandfather’s funeral (at his request) and oddly enough, after a shaky start, the song became a release for me. I’m hoping that your music will do the same for you.