My new kitten overlord (with pics, natch)

Oh, what a cute kitty!!! Love the name, too.

And wow, Cuervo sure has grown, MBG!


It’s so nice to see Cuervo looking so nice and being a happy purring cat!

Ahhhh…I get it. The Tookin black cat. :wink:

Is that like “took in”? Otherwise, I don’t get it. ?

“Token”…like the token black guy…

Gah! Der. And :smack:
I can’t believe I didn’t get that.
Good one. :smiley:

Thanks. Sometimes I’m not as funny and clever as I think I am. :smack:

Work hard on socializing the little furball. Since you adopted him before he was properly weaned, it’s very important you work on his social skills. Otherwise, you might find some behavior problems down the road.

I think she was using the child’s pronounciation of “Taken” as in, all the other names were tooken.

Cute widdow fuzzy wuzzy butts. I wuvs da widdow faces all kitteny goodness.

Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :slight_smile:


I’m not even a cat person and I think it’s adorable! goes squish


What is it with you people? You suddenly forgot the English language?

(looks at photo)

Awww, widdle puddy tat! Yes, you are! snookum, snookum, wookum!

Kitties and puppies are so good at making people babble.

This comes from a guy who thinks babies, for the most part, are ugly.

Start your mud flinging…NOW!

Oh, hey, not me. Babies do nothing for me, but show me a cute kitten (like Tooken) and I just go…awww…cutie…Must…resist…cuteness… :slight_smile:

He is absolutely adorable! I absolutely melted when I saw those pictures…especially the last one.

I just love kitty kitties :slight_smile: