So I know we’ve had several “should I put my dog down” threads here over the years, but each case is different, and my wife and I disagree at this point so I figure I’d ask the Dope.
The last dog I put down stopped being able to walk and eat one day, so it was obviously time. My current dog is going on 15, but he’s a little malty-poo mutt so I thought he had more time. He’s gotten an arthritic back over the years, but he has no real mobility issues that I can tell, besides just being slower in his old age.
But his breed is prone to getting a “collapsed trachea” in their later years. He’s coughed like this infrequently for several years, but starting a month ago, he just doesn’t stop coughing unless he’s calm and laying down. If he gets excited, or just gets up and walks around for awhile, he just coughs and coughs. And often, between coughing and calming down, he has a panting spell like he’s winded even though it isn’t hot and he hasn’t been active. We think it might be some sort of cough-induced asthma.
It’s sad to see, and I agree with my wife that his last days are upon us. But he still gets excited when we feed him. He still licks my face and jumps on my lap. He still likes getting his back and belly scratched. He still gets excited when company comes over, though it is embarrassing for him to cough in front of them the whole time they’re here. The vet gave him some cough suppressants, but they only barely seem to slow his coughing fits, if at all.
So she thinks he is suffering and it’s time to put him down. I disagree. I think he still gets enjoyment out of life, despite his waning health. I recognize it probably won’t be long until we DO have to put him down, I just don’t think a persistent cough is enough to pull the trigger yet. One day he won’t want to eat, he won’t want to jump in my lap, he’ll have trouble getting up to the couch for petting and lap time and then it will be obvious.
Am I being selfish here? She says dogs are good at hiding their pain, and he’s actually suffering the whole time, even when he wags his tail for dinner or licks my face when I pet him. I feel like he still has a few good months left in him, despite his annoying and persistent cough. What do you guys think?