My penis fell asleep

You guys are all missing the point of this whole thread, which is this:

Either that or the history of The Police. It could go either way at this point.

So let me understand this. If your penis goes to sleep, do you have to be careful nothing (wink wink) happens when you shake it and rub it to wake it up…


Do you consider something happening a benefit to the whole situation?

Either way

How do you convince your other half you were only trying to wake it up when they walk in and catch you in the act?

This thread has brough up far too many questions, I think.

My Blog
Don’t laugh so hard, it may be funny but it’s also my life


Peter’s piper picked a nap for pooped out peckers
If piper’s peter pinkled pee in passing
How much pee would Peter’s pecker pass?

"Dear Penthouse:

you’re not going to believe what happened to my penis…"

The best part about my penis falling asleep in the afternoon is that it’s up all night!

Never mind that! What about the pistols (at sunrise)?

Anyway, KGS, I first read your title as “My Penis Fell Off”. So consider that things could be worse.

The whole time I was reading this thread (and trying to conceal my giggles) the song Detachable Penis was running thru my music brain.

I think your little buddy needs a good massage. :stuck_out_tongue:

A top urologist said that this(constant pressure on the groin while bike riding) can result in impotence in later years! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Breakdancing can result in testicular torsion ! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I can help. Put your penis up close to the monitor. Okay, ready?

BTW - Did you have to pee before your peepee woke up?
I know if my pecker ain’t awake in the morning, I’m liable to pee on my toes rather than the toilet tank. :confused:

That’s good enough thank you.

Nice. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I’ve picked the wrong thread to Fight Ignorance in … but when something “falls asleep” it is the NERVE that is being pinched, squeezed or otherwise imparied, not the blood flow. I mean, if your blood flow is cut off, the tissue will die! It’s not the blood returning to your veins that causes pins and needles, it’s the feeling coming back into the nerve!

Citie poo

For some reason, my brain kept seeing this as “This is why I’d never buy a used crotch”.
Nevermind me…

It’s not every day that one get’s to hear Ellen Cherry talking about the nerve of someone’s penis.

Well, lieu … :dubious:

Wait a minute … :eek:

Good heavens :smack:

Lawsy mercy :o

You goob. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know for sure if my penis has ever fallen asleep, but it has been known to reach over and slap the snooze button in the morning.

[sub]Remind me to never again use the phrases “my penis” and “has been” in the same sentance.[/sub]

Mine used to fall asleep once in awhile. Now it just seems to be in a coma most of the time.

Heheh…I was waiting for someone to notice that!