My Question was removed?

I ask a question, about if anyoe new of a way to work at home and make a decent living, it was only on for one day, and then was removed, does anyone know why? Does any one know of a real work at home opportunity?

It was just moved to the In My Humble Opinion forum on this board, probably because it doesn’t really have a factual answer. Look for it there (or click on your name and view all posts to find it.)

It’s not gone. It just got moved over to “In My Humble Opinion” where they talk about stuff like that. Here’s a link to it:
Work at Home?

Should I really mess with grouch44’s head and move this to the more appropriate About This Message Board Forum?
Nah, I’ll let the GQ squad do that.

We bow down before our cruelly-intentioned DoperOverLords.
