My rage burns with the heat of ten million Suns.

So I went out today with my dad to go see Signs. Okay, fine. We get in line, get our popcorn and drinks, and sit down. Things are good. About forty minutes into the movie, suddenly…


Power goes out. Movie disappears, lights go out with the exception of the emergency lights, and the EXIT signs. We wait a few minutes. The power comes back on. I think little of it, and go back to watching the movie.

About twenty minutes later, this dialouge is playing:

"Well, the book says that there’s either one of two possibilites for an alien invasion. One…


Yes, the movie vanishes, and the lights go out. Again. Fine, I think, probably just a case of the projectionist fucking things up while getting high up in that little booth. Suddenly, the movie comes on. Well, some of it. There are two different systems for video and audio. The video came on, and obviously Mel Gibson was saying something suspensful to his kids. Unfortunately, the audio was still lagging, so we heard the theatre’s background muzak. Mel Gibson talking in a serious scene with Britney Spears playing. sigh

Finally, they fix that, but they forgot to dim the lights. So I’m sitting here, able to see everything in front of me, while watching the movie. Somehow, it loses the effect. Finally, they fix this too. Fine. So fast foward another twenty minutes. We’re getting to the climax, about to see what the aliens are like, and what their intent is, and suddenly…


You probably guessed that this is what happened. So me and my dad wait a few minutes. But this time, no power comes back on. So finally we go out into the lobby, and sit around. Dad calls up our house, where Mom is at, and asks her about the power. She confirms that it’s out there. We look off in the distance. A storm is coming in. So after about fifteen minutes of waiting, we get into the refund line, and get free tickets.

Just to spite Mother Nature for this annoyance, tommorrow evening, me and my Dad are going to see Signs again.

Fuck you Mother Nature, fuck you in the ass with several reels of Signs. Sideways.

Perhaps it was a sign?

Yeah, I’d say you have to wonder if you’re the type of person who considers this a coincidence or the result of a powerful guiding force.


When I saw Signs the movie started 20 minutes late and I, too, got a free ticket.

Maybe it’s the Signs curse!


Reminds me of when I saw Total Recall when it first came out. About 20 minutes from the end, something went wrong with the projecter and the picture scrunched up so you couldn’t make out what was going on. When no one fixed it, people started to make noise but nothing happened for a good 15 minutes. A near riot developed. Finally the film stopped while they tried to fix it for about another 20 minutes. And when it came back on, for some reason they couldn’t resume from where they left off, but had to go back about 30 minutes earlier. By this time it was about 1 AM, so I just got a refund and went home. It wasn’t until years later that I finally saw the end of that movie.

IANAAstrophysicist, but wouldn’t ten million suns make a black hole, which ain’t hot?

Oh, sure, you just had to have TEN million suns, didn’t you … rage burning with the fire of a million suns just ain’t enough these days.

Inflation, I suppose.

I guess the only thing that could redeem the movie is if Jerry Lewis has a cameo.

Well, I was just coming in to say that you stole lno’s schtick, but you’re just a young cub so you probably didn’t know. And apparently lno’s rage over this burns like a low watt incandescent bulb, so I’ll let it go.

That is the worst thing that’s happened to you lately, and it enrages you enough for a Pit thread?

If you’re looking for sympathy, try the dictionary. You’ll find it between “shit” and “syphilis”.

robertliguori, IANAAE, but I don’t think ten million Suns would make a black hole. If you packed them all, and got them dense enough, then they’d create a black hole. However, by that time, the ten million Suns, whose size is obvious (about ten million times our Sun’s size), would be a lot smaller, probably about the size of Earth. Then it’d be dense enough to form a black hole. When it comes to black holes, it’s the density and mass, not the size, that matters. As for the heat of a black hole, I’m not sure. It depends what’s getting sucked into it. If part of a star is, then yeah, some parts will be hot.

And Elvis, did I say I want sympathy? No. I just wanted to bitch and moan, as that IS the purpose of this forum. And way to use an old, overused line that wasn’t funny the first time, and isn’t now. Asshat.

If your purpose is to create a Pit thread, in the hope of seeing some scorecards posted, but you find yourself desperately thrashing around to find something to rant about, that’s a little sad. Boo-frickety-hoo.

It’s not nice to fuck Mother Nature in the ass.

Elvis, just shut up. I ranted about this because I was annoyed about it. I didn’t even think about it before deciding to rant about it. But wait, you know more about my intentions than I do. And as I said, I didn’t want sympathy. It’s kinda sad when you go into pit threads just to tell people to stop using this forum for its intended purpose.

In other words, fuck off, asshat.

airdisc, relax. That movie sucked donkey shit. I mean, what the hell? The aliens invade and no one can be bothered to pull out so much as a god damned bb-gun to defend the Earth? :smack:

If some otherworldly fucks try to take over my piece of the planet they better be prepared to eat some bullets. I’m NOT going to fight them off with kitchen knives and baseball bats. My friend Mr. AR-15 will save the day. Fuck you MNS!

Oh, come on, lieu. You know Mother Nature had the idea in the first place.

Okay, I’m going to go to see it again tonight. At this point, I really don’t care how good or bad the movie is, it’s just the principle of it. From what I’ve seen on this board, I shouldn’t expect much.

Okay, just saw it again, this time the entire thing. The movie wasn’t that bad, though it was filled with holes you could drive the Death Star through. Though I did get to see it free, due to the emergency tickets, and it was even better since me and Dad saw an evening show, two tickets for which would have cost a total of at least $15.

And yes, the power stayed on the whole time.

This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!
-The Big Lebowski
