My Real Name Is "Arthur", And I Love You With All My Heart

Good to see you. Be as well as possible.

Quasi, great to have you back. I hope you stick around–as you can see, you have been missed.

Welcome back!

Ditto. Haven’t seen you around much!

Be well, my friend. :slight_smile:

That was a beautiful post, and I especially love the thread title.
Thank you Quasi.

Quasi, as you can see, you have many friends here. The only bad thing I can say about you is that you don’t post here as much as you used to. The only thing that would upset us is if you leave us wondering what happened to you. Here’s hoping 2014 finds you and Dondra in good health. I know how much you love each other and that’s a beautiful thing.

Sometimes it’s the rage that shows the love.

Rage on, and do not go gentle into that good night.

That was beautifully put, Becky2844.

Quasimodem, I mostly lurk on your threads, but I’ve always liked you because my impression of your general state is that of someone who is sometimes uncertain, but mostly benevolent – and I can definitely relate to that. Whatever it is that you’re going through, I wish you strength and joy.

You are the once and future Quasi of myth and legend. We will sing your praises down through the ages long after this round table has turned to dust.

Quasi–you’re a pal.
Never anything but that.

Quasi, all of us have been an annoying jerk to somebody else on this board. That’s OK. Just like fighting with your siblings; when times get tough we stick together.

So, let’s not go overboard on this Little Miss Sunshine/ group hug crap. We are what we are and so are you.

So please just be Quasi. The happy Quasi, grouchy Quasi, angry Quasi is just fine. We know who the real guy is underneath.

We love you Quasi. Take care.

Jumps into the group hug. Its always so good to see you posting Quasi. Be well and come back more often. You are missed.

Hello Quasi/Arthur/Bill/Joe Namath. Long time and nice to hear from you.

Hey Quasi! Good to hear from you. Hope you’re taking care of yourself.

It’s good to hear from you, Quasi. I was beginning to wonder if we’d have to cough up bail to get you back on the Dope. :smiley:

Sending hugs from Tennessee. My regards to Dondra and Bert too.

Good to see you round here!

Hugs to you and Dondra.

Arthur, huh?

Well, then…
Oh, but you can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you. *


Quasi, its good to see you back!

I’ve missed your posts & hope to read more, despite “the violence inherent in the system”. :smiley:

Great to hear from you, Quasi. Hope you’ll stick around this time.