My sister, the outrageous fucking CUNT.

I don’t even know if I can compose this or not. I’m so beyond pissed right now, but I need to fucking vent. And vent I shall.

The background: My sister is recently 18. She has a 15 month old son. She and her son live here, with my mother, myself, and my other sister. Her baby daddy is in jail for the next 5 years for distribution and sale of pot to a cop.

My sister has no job. She gets up around noon, gets online, and vegetates. Her baby is taken care of by either myself (days when I’m off), my mother (in the evenings), or my other sister (days when she’s off – sometimes she takes him to the daycare where she works). My sister has a laundry list of guys come by every now and then, most of whom are… well, trash. She hangs out with the wrong crowd, basically.

She’s also bipolar, did I mention that? Yeah, she’s bipolar. She has had her life handed to her on a silver platter. She’ll ask for money to go out and do things. My mother foots the bills for daycare, food, diapers, everything the baby needs. And provides my sister free room and board, to boot. Essentially, she has to do nothing.

Oh, and she smokes pot. In front of her kid sometimes. I blame myself for letting her get away with it, but when I see it, I take the kid and take care of him.

Anyway, today, she got into one of her bipolar moods. Apparently, my mother decreed that her current trash FOTW is no longer allowed over because he’s a disrespectful ass. (He is.) Her house, her rules. Not good enough for my sister. No, apparently this is entirely unacceptable to my sister, despite having sheltered herself away for the past week being sick (my mother took off work for 3 days to carry her to the ER – she had strep, and to take care of her kid while she was sick). My other sister took care of the kid today, taking him to daycare (paid for by my mom, of course), and putting him to bed before my trashy sister got home. Well, when she got home, the shit hit the fan as she proceeded to curse my mother for making rules about her own home, and deciding she was done, and leaving.

Not the first time she’s done this. Last time, she trapsed off for three days to parts unknown and just disappeared. We later found out she had been in some motel with random guys. Still pissed, she called my mother and told her she was bringing the police over (wtf?) to get her baby. Mother is highly upset by this. I figure, whatever, she’s in her mood, she’ll be back tomorrow.

No, 30 minutes later, my sister, her friend, and a police officer show up. The cop says that unfortunately because she’s the birth mother, she has the right to take the kid. We knew this. No one tried to stop her from doing so, despite making suggestions that she think it through. I make some offhand comment about her drug use, and the cop says “you know, I wasn’t going to accuse anyone, but I did smell pot when I came in here.”

Mother flips. She has no idea what pot smells like, or that my sister was involved with it. Cop asks if he can search my sister and her vehicle before she takes the kid. He does, finds nothing (she’s not one to keep pot very long…) All the while, the baby has been woken and thrown in the back of her car to sit in the cold for 20 minutes. She admits to the cop that she occasionally gets high (why? I don’t know.) Off she goes, with her friend to stay at her apartment for the night.

Well, suffice it to say, my mother is very upset. My other sister is very upset. I’m very upset. My dad? Beyond pissed. He knows that my mom has pretty much let her get her way in everything, and called my sister to let her know that if she does bring cops over, he’s done with her. My step-dad’s pissed, as well, it being his house, and being unaware of what was going on in it. Did I mention he left two weeks ago for a tour in Iraq? Yeah, he’s gone, but my mom got in touch with him tonight, thankfully.

Mom’s options? File a petition for custody tomorrow. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that my sister is an entirely unfit mother. I just pray like hell that it all works out for my nephew. He’s 15 months old. Most adorable baby ever, and I mean it. His first word was my name, and I’d do any damn thing for him. This is not the way to start out his life. My sister, birth mother that she is, has no reason whatsoever to be around him until she gets her shit together. Picks up her life, and makes an effort to be in her son’s. There are days I’ll come home to find him crawling around the bathroom floor playing in the toilet because she’s too busy taking a MySpace survey to pay attention to him.

I can’t imagine how anyone could be so callous, so self-righteous, so outright fucking hurtful as my sister has been. After all that everyone has done for her and her baby, this.

Like I said, this probably didn’t make any sense. I’m just so numb right now, so fucking pissed. I wish there was something I could do to make sure that my nephew is okay right now, wherever she’s taken him. My mom had to bring my sister a blanket for him before she left, because “oops, I forgot.”

Don’t get me wrong, I do blame my mother in part, too – but only for letting my sister get away with everything she has thus far. My mom isn’t stupid, but she isn’t always aware of everything that goes on. A lot of other people are, though, and it’s starting to all come together and make sense that my sister may not yet be fit to be a parent.

Sorry if this is a weak rant. Shit, fuck, goddamn. That’s exactly how I feel right now. Helpless and angry. My sister has dug her own grave, but she’s bringing down her innocent child with her. Sad part is, this is just the beginning, and we’re all on the other side, trying to make sure my nephew is put first.

Whew. There, I vented. Wish us luck tomorrow.

Whatever you do, make certain you log out of the SDMB, and make certain that any cookies to the SDMB are not on a computer she can use! You don’t want things to escalate. Vent away, but be careful she doesn’t find it. You might say similar to her face, but she’s going to take it as you are saying it behind her back here.

And, good luck tomorrow. I’ll send some prayers and well wishes towards your nephew, and prayers that one day your sister gets her life together and stays on track one day too. Do what you have to do to be sure that little one gets the care and nurturing he needs so he can grow up to be a good member of society!

That’s really terrible, atomicbadgerrace. My nephew is four months old, and I would do anything in the world for him. I can’t imagine how awful it would be if my sister decided being a mom was too hard, being a loser is much easier. Although it seems unlikely now, maybe your sister will realize that she needs to make a change. For the baby’s sake, and your family’s sake, I hope that happens. Whatever does happen, I’m sure you’ll do your best to make sure that baby gets well-taken care of. I’m sending good wishes in your direction.

Wow that is so horrible. I just got done reading the adoption thread – here are all these great people who want to have children to love and care for – and then trash like your sister gets a baby of her own to neglect.

I really really hope that the “system” will allow your mom to get custody, but I’m skeptical, because it seems they always favor keeping the kid with the mother if at all possible.

And I wonder how long it’ll be before your sister spits out another bastard? She needs to be shot with a contraceptive dart. Where is this kid’s dad, by the way?

Also your mom & stepdad must be a bit dense not to realize she was smoking pot in the house.

I’m glad your nephew has you… good luck and keep us updated.

Atomic said in jail for 5 years for sale of pot to a cop early in his post (not too hard miss, took me a little scan to find it).

Anyway this just isn’t good, I really hope she loses custody, at least until she does (and hopefully can) get her act together.

Oops that’s right - thanks!

Nothing much to add - just so sorry to hear that this whole mess is going down. I hope your mom can get the petition for custody pushed through quickly. Alas, my experience watching The Monster’s mother trying to navigate the various family court bureaucracies has left me very cynical of it.

I hope that you can keep raising your nephew, with your mom and sister.

I’m glad your mother if filing for custody and I hope she gets it. There was a strikingly similar situation in my family, and thankfully the kids ended up ok and in a good environment. Although, not before one kid was a teenager and basically said, “I’m tired of your shit. I don’t care if you’ve got custody of me, I’m going to go live with grandma and grandpa. Try and stop me.” Then the grandparents got custody of the younger sibling as well, who is now doing well.

Just wanted to let you know that it can and does end well. I’m hoping for the best for your nephew and for a swift kick for your sister.

I am so sorry your family is going through this. I can’t imagine how hard it has to be. I’m sending good thoughts your way and hope for a good outcome.

As an aside, recently I saw a thread where people were wondering about why we need such a thing as grandparent’s rights. This is a perfect example. Naturally you all want more than just visitation, but in a situation like this where the mother is wanting to keep the child from the family, grandparent’s rights can sometimes help.

She should meet with an experienced family lawyer before doing anything, so as to determine the best strategy.

I hope it all works out for your family and particularly your little nephew. Unfortunately, it seems like your sister will continue on her own destructive path until nobody is willing to support her and allow her to continue the way she has been. Get your nephew into a safe environment and let your sister drop.

I’m glad the situation is finally starting to come under control. I wish you the best of luck in the future.

And not to trivialize your situation, but it could’ve been several thousand times worse. By my count:

  1. She only had one child, who thus far has received reasonably good care.
  2. Her biggest problems are that she’s lazy, irresonsible, aggravating, and self-centered, and she’ll probably have trouble finding a job.
  3. Her problems are caused in part by a legitimate medical condition.
  4. She’s only 18.
  5. She spends a lot of her time alone on the computer, and not running with a gang, defacing property, engaging in random, completely pointless violence, shoplifting, etc.
  6. None of the boyfriends are stalkers, rapists, violent criminals, gang members, etc.
  7. The mother eventually came to her senses, realized there was a problem, and took immediate action.
  8. The boy will go to a good home and eventually find a caring family.

I can say for a fact that for a great many families in Hawaii, and probably America on the whole, #7 alone would be a miracle of astonishing magnitude. Geez, you should see some of the parents I have…they’d have to personally witness 30 dead bodies and a smoking crater where a building used to be before they’ll even CONSIDER lifting a finger.

And all things your considered, your sister could be a lot more messed up…scratch that, a great big smoking honking super-size King Bubsgonzola more messed up. The name “Brittney Spears” ring a bell? Let me put it this way, she’s nowhere near the point where it’s too late to save her. It’s going to take good, solid professional help (especially for the bipolar disorder), but…if she’s willing to!..she can be made right.

I didn’t mean to make light of your situation, and again, I’m very glad the boy will grow up healthy and un-horribly scarred. I just want you to know that I’ve seen how bad it can get, and your situation isn’t.

Hear, hear!

Good luck, mate. I’m pretty hopeful it all will work out in the end.

What a sad story. I hope it has a happy ending, sounds like your mum is taking action which is great. Wish you all the best.

Yeah, I’m hopeful for the nephew. Mum is a bit of a lost cause, but unlike most of these Jerry Springer audience types, the rest of the family appears to be utterly decent and in possession of some actual parenting skills and ethics. So, by weight of numbers, it looks good to me - just as it will to any judge out there.

Mum of the child that is. Not the OP’s mum.

The thing about mental illness is it can make people act like some kind of a nut. Is your sister in treatment? IS SHE TAKING HER MEDS?

Good luck with this heartbreaking and, I’m sure, hideously stressful situation. Little people are way cool.

**Call the the social services agency in your locale and report suspected child neglect or abuse. Get a social worker invovled ASAP! Your sister MUST learn that there are limits to her behavior, and consequences to pay for her choices.

It is true that whenever possible the birth mother is the custodial guardian of choice, but if she has not suddenly cleaned up her act, she won’t be! Blood relatives are next and the environment your family provides sounds safe - at the least.

Just remember … your priority is the health and safety of your nephew … and nothing else!**

Good luck today atomicbadgerrace.

Hate on the mother all you want, fuck off with picking on the baby.

Not everyone know what pot smells like. My mother doesn’t. You want to call her dense too?