My state has embarrassed me again

Virginia is for heterosexual, married, same-race lovers who never think about getting an abortion without an unnecessary medical procedure. At least we backed off the trans-vaginal part. And the same-race part (in the law). But we made marriage equity double-probation illegal. :rolleyes:

Plus we have “Crazy Ken” Cuccinelli.

And our fine State College of Gynecology (what you might call our legislature) has not passed a budget yet in its 60 day session. Idiots.

Hey, he may be a destructive, sick, pathetic, hypocritical, corrupt, incompetant, self-serving, greedy, ideological, lying, selfish, disgraceful, intolerant, shameful, bizarre, cynical, power-abusing failure, but he’s our destructive, sick, pathetic, hypocritical, corrupt, incompetant, self-serving, greedy, ideological, lying, selfish, disgraceful, intolerant, shameful, bizarre, cynical, power-abusing failure.

Why am I in Tennessee again?

As an agnostic Democrat who is child-free by choice, this Connecticut Yankee is feeling more than a little out of place at the moment.

Our Governor, Haslam, is eliminating the Civil Service Code, thus opening the door for political patronage.:smack:

Florida: Not enough electrons to list the embarrassment. I think our alligators are smarter than most of our politicians.

Here in New Mexico the fine city of Clovis just elected a birther as mayor. Sometimes I wish Texas would annex that town–they deserve each other. In the rest if the state we just have meth, child abuse, thieves, drunk drivers, and corrupt cops and politicians who drive drunk.

OMG, the perfect analogy - since they’re both reptiles!!! :eek:

My home state is only two threads up as I post this.

Ya know, up north, alligators aren’t typically found in canals, but in sewers. Your post may not be pointing out the only similarity. :dubious:
Does the similarities deserve it’s own thread, or is that too cruel…to the reptiles?

Arizona: Joe Arpaio, HB1070, John McCain, Gov Jan Brewer, Jared Loughner (Giffords shooter), no sex ed, speed camera debacle, Russell Pierce, Bank One Ballpark (or whatever it’s called now), closed rest stops, and the bill mentioned today about absolving doctors from telling women they may die.

Oh, did I mention Joe Arpaio?

You Americans are all alike - always overstressing for the wrong occasions.

I spend a lot of time with my fingers in my ears going la-la-la, but Clinton was still pretty tough to ignore.

In no particular order:

Prop. 13: A poison-pill solution to a problem that deserved a reasoned approach.

Term Limits: Governing isn’t something that you get good at; it’s for amateurs!

Prop H8. :mad: grrr :mad:

We allowed the greatest team in baseball to be sold to the fucking Antichrist (yes I’m talking about the Dodgers and Rupert Murdoch. If you hold the opinion that my assertions are inaccurate, I have no intention of ordering you to change it. Being wrong is a treasured American right).

We gave the world Richard Milhous Nixon.

We allowed Ronald Fucking Reagan to get bitten by the politicking bug, and then failed to quarantine him.

Although not a native, Orly Taitz is definitely a one of ours now.

I am Californian, hear me ROAR!

But the rest of you, do go on with your penny-ante peccadilloes. Maybe it will cheer me up some.

Another embarrassed Tennessean here.

Santorum seems to think if we get rid of the pill, people will stop having sex unless they want babies. Does he remember how well Prohibition worked? You can’t put the genie back in the bottle, dude.

Mitt Romney

John Silber

And I’m not terribly stoked about Deval Patrick right now.

But at least we have SSM!

Iowa: Rep. Steve King is a nincompoop.

The Family Leader, under Bob Vander Plaatz, is a hard-derp organization that helped throw out 3 state supreme court justices as payback for their yes votes on ghey marriage.

Harry Reid.

Ah, the one armed man.
Don’t get me started about Devoid Patrick, who’s first claim for fame was he was going to reduce property taxes.

Don’t know about where you live, but the state gov has squat to do with setting local property taxes.
We need a intelligence test before being allowed to vote

Illinois. Everything. The corruption, the economy, the nepotism - are all Illinois poloticians crooks? Sometimes it seems like it.

Don’t forget The Body.

Although at least his crazy is more of the “pass me the popcorn” type, and not so much the “ow, my rights!” type.