My surreal day with the bell ringers

First off, I’d like to say that I really appreciate all the things that the Salvation Army does, I really do. However, after today I think I’ve had enough.

It started with bell ringer at work. He was obviously down on his luck. He was dirty and he smelled. OK, I live in the city, I can handle that. But, as he went through my register at work, he proceeded to unzip his pants while going through my lane. He may have had another pair on underneath, I don’t know, I didn’t look.

Then he proceeds to crap all over the bathroom floor. I didn’t have to clean it up, thank goodness, but my friend did. And then he stunk up the employee break room. I left work, thinking I was in the clear.

Think again.

While at the bar, I was approached by my adopted dad. He said this lady needed help with the bus. I ride the bus, so I said I’d do what I could. She had missed her last bus. I gave her the money to call a ride, and figured that was that. She stuck around waiting for her ride. We talked, she was nice. She told me she was a bell ringer. She’d gotten fired for stealing on her first day. After awhile she looked at me and asked if it was a gay bar, well yes it is, and yes I’m gay.

The next thing I know, she’s got the only gay friend she has on the phone talking to me and she wants to hook up. I can tell that this chick is old and the fact that I don’t know her, I tell her that I have a girlfriend. Finally bell ringer #2 leaves and I can get back to normal.

I’m not complaining, otherwise I would have put this in the Pit. It has just been a very strange day. All this, and the priest that I saw reading the Weekly World News in my line at work. The one with the cover of Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussien photoshopped in drag on the cover. It has been one heck of a day and I’m glad it’s over.

Hmmmmmmm… for whom the bell tolls? How do you know that bell ringer #1 was the crapper? I’m revolted but curious as to how you know for fact. Even nice-looking folks do weird things sometimes so I ask only to be fair to bell ringer #1. Bell ringer #2 got fired for stealing so does that make her ex-bell ringer #2?

What a very odd day for you and I’m glad you got through it mostly unscathed. One of those days that makes you look up at the sky and go, “Huh?”.

Nothiing particularly constructive to add, but can I just congratulate you on writing the best thread title that I have seen. Ever.

I read it as “My surreal day with the bell ringer” (with no ‘s’) and thought of Quasiomodo swooping down from the bell tower at Notre Dame. I believe “My Surreal Day With the Bell Ringer” was the title Victor Hugo was going to use before being advised not to.

Wow, I thought this would have something to do with change ringers…

Guess not.

Well, they are change ringers, but they prefer the folding green.

Archergal, glad I wasn’t the only one.

Sanguinespider, the bathroom is in an area that is very heavy in employee traffic, and low traffic for everybody else. Very few non-employees even know it’s there. We know everything that goes on in that area. It’s very easy to know who does what there. We know it was him.

And Archergal, Angel Heart what do you mean by a change ringer? Just curious.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, for the bell tolls for the bell tollers.