Sigh. I’m too sad to get pissed so instead of starting this in the Pit I decided to just whine in MPSIMS. I’m allowed to do that, right, whine in MPSIMS?
Moving along, I purchased a kick-ass pair of wool gabardine tuxedo stripe trousers last month at a phenomenal price. I finally got around to dropping them off to my tailor last week . He dropped them off to me here at the office a few minutes ago. I couldn’t wait until I got home so I closed my office door to try them on. They’re too short! Way too short. I called and left him a message to tell him but he probably hasn’t got back to his shop yet.
They have a cuff so maybe he can fix them but then they won’t have the cuff anymore. I really like the cuff, too. I fear they’re ruined.
As I bought them on sale, it’s not like I can just go back and get another pair.
That’s it. That’s my petty tale of woe. Feel free to use this thread for general whining or to arrange send me a pair of wool gabardine tuxedo stripe trousers, charcoal gray, size ten, with a cuff.
You think that’s bad. Several years ago I bought Mrs. Z a cloak for Christmas. It was hand made in Ireland. Now the people there asked how tall she was and I told them and the cloak came and it’s beautiful but it’s about ONE INCH too long. Maybe if she wore six-inch heels but since she really doesn’t wear anything higher than 2.5 inch heels.
Anyway, we took it in to have it shortened. Now it is about 8 inches too short.
Was it a cloak of invisibility? If it was, I imagine you’d rather have it too long than too short. If it’s too short than people will see a pair of disembodied feet walking around when she’s wearing it. And that’s not cool.
The word, lieu, is “draws”. The “er” was lost somewhere in the 90’s. Even though I’m down wit tha lingo, I’m still not going to tell my wife she has “phat draws”.
Hey, Zebra - I’m 5’1" and can’t find things short enough. My sister made me a nice wool cloak and made it short enough, but but the pockets so far down that I have to contort myself to get anything out of the pockets.