My wife does not appreciate my nuts (probably TMI. probably.)

Ok, I’m trying to picture the action here. In women, would the cremasteric reflex pull the labia majora apart? Or pull them inward and slightly closed? What sensation does this action produce?


(in German accent) Well, Shirley. It looks like you need some…re…ed…u…cation?

Balls don’t desire to rule the world. That job goes to the ego. Consider the balls analogous to the American flag. It’s a source of pride to the *Nation of Man. They are part of our identity, darling. That’d be like taking all the automakers out of Michigan. Everyone would be depressed and there’d be economic collapse in the entire state.

You need the balls. And you need the Brotherhood. You even know it. That’s why you so fervently fight us. But that’s fine. Some of our members like *Spunky Females, so youuuuuuu’re in luck, dah-ling.

I shall never look at the American Flag again without thinking of a pair of hairy testicles and when servicing my husbands pair, I shall hum the Star Spangled Banner.

I woke up this morning to find a small jar of testicle wax on my bedside table and a note of apology from my wife.

Well, in a perfect world that might’ve happened.

You realize that humming in that situation is a Good Thing, right?

Glad I could help in the re-education. You may thank me in Kit-Kats and seafood dinners.

I’ve never looked down at mine when it was happening.

Pull a spot the size of a quarter slightly inward, I suppose.

As to how it feels? It feels… it feels like… this funny little feeling down there, following on a moment of suspense or acute anxiety for another’s equipment plus flag… which is sort of tightening… and… help me out here, articulate female Dopers.

All Y’all: Y’all have got to quit making me go Awww. I’m getting such a swelled head I’m afraid I can’t take my t-shirt off without EMS shears.

Well, if they are really that remarkable perhaps you could be a testicle model?

“Testicle Wax”???

gabriela, now you know how twickster feels, with her engorged melon and all.

Hm. Screennames with all lower-case letters? Check.

So far, so good.

I was skipping over this on purpose. Either it’s a deforesting agent, a la Agent Orange or it’s something to restore the shine. I’m hoping it’s the shine.

A monster has been created.

And about testicle wax. Picture a bikini wax only on the most sensitive part of the male’s body. Riiiipppppp…mwah hah ha. I bet a few of you did just the Cremasteric.

As a woman, I am truly fascinated by the fact that they move on their own.

When I first discovered this, I was mesmerized and couldn’t stop staring at my then-boyfriends balls. I think I may have made him a little uncomfortable. laughs

I find balls, and the male genital region in general, fascinating. My best friend shares the same admiration, so do take comfort in the fact that there are ladies out there that love the manly bits.

I can’t believe it took a woman to put a name to a sensation I’ve wondered about my entire life.

Although I’m not entirely sure we’re talking about the same thing. Googling it up just doesn’t do the sensation any justice, and I’ve never associated it with “This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the superior and medial part of the thigh in a downward direction. The normal response is a contraction of the cremaster muscle that pulls up the scrotum and testis on the side stroked.”

Nope. Stroking my superior & medial thigh don’t do a thing for me. This sensation is decidedly pleasurable & “fun.” It’s like your balls are yelling “whoopee! Let’s go on that ride again!”

I’ve always experienced it at the apex of a rising & falling movement. Rollercoaster rides, or traveling in a car at highway speeds and topping a small hill. I never associated it with my testicles themselves moving. I always figured it was just the momentary weightlessness that triggered it, and it was an evolutionary bonus nature gave us for - I dunno - swinging from trees?

When I followed the link to view the “turkey balls”, I also got a Mother’s Day ad:

Yes, it’s when they’re hanging really low, in full view. When they retreat, it’s “Testical Wane.”

I never knew until recently (via this board) that straight guys have absolutely no appreciation for a beautifully hanging pair of balls. They just don’t get how utterly sexy those pairs of dangling orbs can be. We gay guys fully understand the attraction, and we have ***two pairs ***to play with. :slight_smile:

Message to straight guys: you’re allowed to acknowledge that parts of the male anatomy are hot. It doesn’t make you gay.

Me and my one testicle feel quite underappreciated in here.


but can you do a proper teabag with them? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s threads ( and thoughts ) like these that make me glad I’m Gay…

My partner appreciates my nuts, and I appreciate his - in fact, most Gay guys I know appreciate as many nuts as they can! :smiley:

Appropo of nothing, a cow-orker relayed this bit of trivia from his fifteen year old son:

Bat-wings - the sensation you get when the sweat twixt your nethers stick one ball to each thigh.

Yeah, nuts are hot. I don’t understand the almost universal female aversion to them.