My wife helps me remodel the bathroom

Our bathrooms are hideous, so my wife decides we finally need to remodel them.
We go to Home Depot for one of the “You Too Can Install Ceramic Tile” workshops

The guy running the class wants to know what people are planning to do: bathrooms, living areas, kitchens, floors, walls, counters, etc.

Here’s how the exchange goes:

“What are you guys planning on doing?”
(me) Bathroom - floors and wallsWE"RE ONLY GOING TO BE DOING FLOORS
That was my wife. Not yelling, not strident, not even firm or authoritative, but…solidly.
I’m laughing inside, and I glance around. This is what I pick up:

::Uh, guy, I think you’re only going to be doing the floors in tile::

::Poor sonofabitch, I wonder if he really thinks he’s going to do the walls too::

::Pal, quit right now. Don’t fight it, and you might get some input into colors or patterns on the floor. Maybe::

::Nnnoooooooo walls for him::

We decide it’s a go, and start ripping up the old ceramic tile floor in one bathroom. My wife asked me how we should proceed on the way home. I suggest cold chisels first, then move to this “floor hog” tool we bought.

I’m puttering around the house, gathering up the tools and equipment I’ll need. I hear metal striking metal, and realize my wife has started. I peek in. She’s started in the middle of the floor. She has on protective goggles, but she got them from the bottom of a tool box, they’re covered in crap, and to see me she has to tilt her head way back like she’s looking at the ceiling and peer through the quarter-inch clear spot at the very bottom.

She’s not getting too far, apparently decides the cold chisel isn’t cutting it, and just starts beating on the tile with the hammer, like a little kid doing that Whack-A-Mole game. Every so often, she’ll go at it with the cold chisel again. Pretty soon she’s got nice little hole going there. Like something the cats would like to drink out of. I guess she thinks the tile will be softer about two feet that-a-way, so she moves over and starts in there. Cold chisel. Whack-a-mole. Little more cold chisel. Lots more whack-a-mole.

I’ve gathered my tools. I’ve also cleaned my goggles with Windex and rinsed and dried them. I put them on, and hear “Hey, where’s you get them?” I say “same place you got yours, only I cleaned mine”. My wife manages a pathetic “Oh”, and looks a bit crestfallen. “Here, you want these?” She brightens right up. “Boy, what a difference.” Off I go to clean her, er my goggles.
That done, I grab my tools, and start in at the threshold. It’s tough going, and noisy. I decide I need hearing protection. I get the only headphone-style protectors we’ve got. I catch my wife’s eye. “Do you want some hearing protectors?”. “No”, she answers. I shrug, and start in. “Well, maybe” she pipes up. “Where are some?” “There should be some inside-the-ear ones out with my tree climbing stuff, by the chainsaw.” Mind you, this is in the shed out back. She gets up, looks at the shelves of the junk closet, sticks her head into the laundry room where I’ve got tools and pegboards set up, and kind of wanders around a bit. Around me, that is. Then she heads outside, and comes in like ten seconds later, sits down, and starts in with the whack-a-mole again. I’m suspicious. “Did you find some?” “No, I looked everywhere. I guess we don’t have any”.
I used to be a tree surgeon. I had tons of them. We also used to grab handfuls from the MRI at the hospital. I get up, go to the shed, sure enough, none there. I come in, go through a junk drawer or two, Bingo, 1 pack ear plugs. I come down, hand them to her. “Where’d you find these?” “In a drawer. I looked for more than two minutes” “Oh”. "Do you want these, or the headphone ones? “Those”.

I pick up my chisel, draw back for a strike. “These have ear wax on them”. “Yes, they go inside the ear, which often has ear wax in it. They can be washed. Do you want those, or mine?” “Yours”

I finally get to take a few swings with the hammer. Pretty soon I’m getting whole tiles up, and then some. Maybe because I started somewhere besides the geographic center of the floor. “Hey, I wanna get up big chunks like you!” My wife is once again crestfallen. I notice she selected the chisel that’s about the width of a small screwdriver. “Here, try this wider one.” She brightens up immediately. Although the wider chisel doesn’t entirely dampen her enthusiasm for the whack-a-mole game.

After getting a few more tiles up, I grab the “floor hog”. It’s like a huge, wide, angled chisel on a shovel handle. I take a few swipes at the edge of the tile I’ve exposed. Whole sections start coming up. “Oh! Look! Look at that! You get so much up! I wanna do that! Can I do that?” I hand over the tool. She starts at it, gets a few good-sized chunks up. “I’m so thirsty. This makes you so thirsty.”

After I get her a drink…

I do love my wife.

Shaky Jake

I printed this as soon as I got to work today. The whole office had a laugh. I can just see your wife doing the whack-a-mole bit.

Did you ever get all of the tile up this weekend? And you are going to do all of this in what? a week?


Love the whack-a-mole bit.

When doing home remodeling with my wife, I like to keep the following list of responses handy.

“Sure honey. Sounds great.”

“Well, I’m not sure. Which one do you think looks better?”

“Remind me again how I want to do this?”

“Why don’t I finish this up while you do anything else but this.”

And, of course, the all-encompassing and sure-fire way to remain sexually active…

“Yes dear.”

OMG! My husband is going to be happy that there are other husbands just like him. he thought he was overly abused and no one else would be so bent to their wives will.

…several years ago, my dad decided to do it. He gave me and a friend some money to tear out the floor and strip the tiles and backing from the walls…(aka the hard manual labor)

Give 2 14 year old boys hammers, pry bars, and say “Go forth and destroy” and watch the dust fly!


My wife and I are currently remodelling four bathrooms so the OP strikes really close to home.

She’s a sweetheart. I love her dearly. (Picture Kristina Abernathy of the Weather Channel with a slightly rounder face – that’s my wife.) But she’s not overly coordinated and certainly not very strong.

Some time back we were replacing some RB&B siding on our old house. I’d managed to replace most of the siding and was down to a piece that was particularly difficult. It was nearly a full sheet so it was quite heavy, it was at the end of the wall so I had trouble getting decent leverage, and the bottom fit about 10 inches above the ground so it had to be held in place until enough nails could be driven to hold it up. RB&B sheeting comes from Lowe’s with a built-in warp so you also have to figure this into proper placement.

I got my wife out of the house and asked her if she’d drive a couple of nails into the siding while I held it in place.

After several minutes of fighting with the panelling I finally got it into place and told my wife to drive a nail near the outside edge. She takes the 2.5 inch siding nail, holds it against the panelling with one hand, grasps the hammer with the other hand (holding it by the handle about 2 inches from the head) and begins to tap on the nail.

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

“Dear… What are you doing?” I asked in a form of grunt.

“I’m driving this nail.”

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

“Uh, dear… I can only hold this panelling in place for one afternoon. Could you hit the nail hard enough to perhaps bruise it?”

“Leave me alone.”

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

“Dear… Hit the nail.”

“I am hitting it.”

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

“Uh, dear… you’ve barely made a dent in the siding. If you don’t hit it like you mean it you’ll never get it through both pieces of wood.”

“Leave me alone. I’m doing it my way!”

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

“Please dear. For me. Hit the nail.”

“I might miss”.

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap…

“So what? I don’t think the nail will notice the difference.”

“Well if you’re going to be like that…”
Moral: Slow and steady may win the race, but there’s no substitute for a 2lb framing hammer!!!

“Yes, dear” works well.

“Fine, whatever” does not.
If you’re lurking around the board, I love you honey…


When the going gets tough,
The tough get duct tape.

Southern Style, your wife and my husband must be twins.

Suo Na,

You have an anecdote to share???