My Worthless, Uninformed Take On The Trump Win.

For all you flag waving patriotic salt of the earth assholes out there…
Courtesy of the Washington Post, part of the MEDIA that created and aided this abomination…

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister told a state-run news agency that his country was absolutely in contact with the Trump campaign.

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, in an interview with the state-run Interfax news agency, said that “there were contacts” with the Trump team.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his entourage,” Rybakov said. “Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and have occupied high-ranking positions. I cannot say that all of them but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives.”
He denied allegations of Russian interference in the election, but said “maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks.”
And from the NY Times, another set of enablers,

all those little denials from before Election Day were just for show. Now that America has committed itself to a term in Bizarro World, Russia is eager to deliver a warm, hearty “fooled you!”
Russian government officials had contacts with members of Donald Trump’s campaign team, a senior Russian diplomat said Thursday, in a report that could reopen scrutiny over the Kremlin’s role in the president-elect’s bitter race against Hillary Clinton. …
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his entourage,” Rybakov said. “… I cannot say that all of them but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives.”
It wasn’t just one or two of Trump campaign that have been “staying in contact” with Russia, but “all but a few of them.” Oh, and while Russia is fessing up/gloating/cheering … you know that Wikileaks that Russia totally does not control?
[Kremlin analyst] Markov also said it would mean less American backing for “the terroristic junta in Ukraine”. He denied allegations of Russian interference in the election, but said “maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks.”

“But hey, the idea of a American political candidate working hand in glove with Russia to subvert the election, weaken the NATO alliance, and deliver Russian control of former Soviet territories along with the Middle East … that’s just crazy talk.”

The first thing that the progressives in the Democratic party needs to do is slap down anyone who ever calls it “flyover country” in a dismissive way again.

All it takes is a snappy slogan, that’s it. As good an analysis as any. Why not? it worked. Even if the slogan was plagiarism too. I think Reagan actually said it years earlier.

The point is you don’t win hearts by being dismissive.

Trump had a message for these people, he had plans. Sure they’re stupid and ill advised and mostly rectally based, but it was a plan!

What was our plan and message? Other than name callling and contempt, I mean? ::crickets::

You have exactly one comment about a basket of deplorables against entire buzzfeed listicles of Trump mocking a disabled reporter, telling his supporters to rough protesters up, calling the other candidate a nasty woman. The evidence shows, it appears to me, that the democrats were not nearly insulting and contemptuous enough.

I don’t mean from the cadidate, I meant team blue. Although Clinton herself wasn’t much better. Most of her ads were attacks against Trumps character and idiotic statements, not a call to support a specific poliby or a refutation of his.

Here’s a remarkably prescient piece of prognostication by political philosopher Richard Rorty back in 1997 (quoted by Mark Danner in the New York Review of Books):

By 2020, perhaps the Trump supporters will learn that what they were told was “condescension and derision” was actually pretty accurate description and analysis.

One only hopes that by then it’s not too late to undo any damage the Trump administration has saddled us with.

psssst. You misspelled “sober and accurate analysis.”

Although it’s disappointing that there are so many American voters who actively hate America and what we’re supposed to stand for that such an analysis translated into support for him.

As a black woman, understand what this argument sounds like to me. It sounds like you’re saying Trump voters deserve more sympathy, more compassion, more motherfucking pandering to…than all the minorities and all the women they’ve just glibly spit on. This is like telling an assault victim to feel sorry for their attacker because they are IGNORED and HAVE NEEDS.

Sure, sweetie, your atttacker just knocked your teeth out, broke your ribs, and grabbed you by the pussy before sticking their lizard-like tongue down your throat. But their flagrant disregard for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of others like you is not really your attacker’s fault. No ma’am! Its’s yours. If only you had been nicer to them and not reacted negatively to their rants about Obama being a Muslim and Hillary being the devil incarnate! If only you had made them feel entitled to their sense of entitlement, no matter how utterly terrible that sense of entitlement has on, among other things, poor people’s access to affordable healthcare. If only you had not pointed out the racism and the sexism and the xenophobia whenever they raised their devilish little heads in Trump’s messaging! You should have ignored it! And really, if only you had pretended all those “Trump that Bitch” shirts were just good-natured ribbing, rather than misogynistic braying! If only you had stayed silent and acted as if everyone drinking Trump’s koolaid was as fair-minded and sensible as yourself–despite the hateful things being said at his rallies, on the message boards, and among people you know–then maybe they wouldn’t have beat you up and spat on your face Tues night. Maybe.

This is fucking nonsense.

We’ve seen insanity like this before. Go look at footage of Southern white folks going apeshit when their lunch counters and schools were under threat of integration, and when blacks were trying to exercise their right to vote. Who wants to bet these bigoted nutcases felt ignored and mistreated and whatever it is we’re saying Trump supporters feel now? Their whole way of life was going topsy turvy, and you know what progressive leaders at that time said? Tough titty. Get over yourselves. Your views are anathema to a healthy society and you will go down as villainous embarrassments in the history books. You are cowards that hose little children down in the streets. You deserve no pity, only scorn and shunning.

Progressives need to reclaim their balls and ovaries and stop acting like these idiots are any different than the idiots that were making a mess of things back in the 50s and 60s. Same shit, different day.

I’m sorry, but just because semi-rural Americans can no longer count on getting jobs at the local factory and retiring with fat pensions doesn’t justify them voting a bigoted, sexually-assaulting fraud into office, so the OP’s logic does not follow at all. And really its a slap in the face to see this implied in all this post-election tail-tucked-in apologia. Guess what? Truly disaffected, hopelessly worn down people *simply don’t vote. * People who go all in on someone like Trump do so because they are either attracted to his image and/or his message. And that is hugely disturbing to me. It should be disturbing to anyone with two brain cells.

I will not be shamed into holding my tongue and I sure as hell don’t care if Trump supporters get offended by me pointing out the truth as I see it. The last thing this country needs is more pandering to the left side of the bell curve; with the electoral college weighting votes the way it does, it is precisely this pandering that has put us in the precarious position we are in today. * Where the Dems failed was energizing their base in battleground states.*

Those that voted for Trump are a lost cause and the sooner we all realize that, the less stupid we’ll sound.

A hell of a lot more than Trump ever offered.

Why not? We’re talking about people who love good old-fashioned Straight Talk. They won’t shut the fuck up about it. Ask ten Trumpkins why they love the old fraud so much and at least half of them will say it’s because he “tells it how it is”.

Well now I’m going to tell them how it is. Attention Trump voters: Coal is dead, and anyone who tells you different is either a liar or a dumb motherfucker. And if you’re stupid enough to think coal’s coming back then congratulations chucklefuck! You just got scammed.

Also, Mexico isn’t going to pay for a single fucking brick of Trump’s magic wall. He’s got no leverage over them whatsoever. They’re going to tell him to fuck off, and he’s going to take it like a bitch because he can’t do anything else. Odds are, the damn thing isn’t even going to get built at all.

And while we’re on the subject of Mexico, rounding up and returning 11 million immigrants isn’t just inhumane, and it isn’t just unfeasible, it’s completely fucking impossible! Trump doesn’t have the money, the manpower, or, most importantly, the political capital to embark on such a project. We’re not talking about targeting ISIS sleeper cells here, you morons. We’re talking about gardeners, cabbies, nannies, and housekeepers. How many rapes, murders, and robberies are going to go uninvestigated while the cops are busy hunting down the hired help? What’s Trump going to do to make sure the legal system won’t buckle under the extra pressure? Where’s the money for all this going to come from? Did you even bother reading Trump’s so-called immigration plan? Nah, 'course you didn’t. You just took his word for everything because you’re idiots. Well, I have read it and I can tell you the whole thing is just a great big fucking joke! “We’ll do this and we’ll do that and then everything will be peachy keen!” That’s it. No explanation of how he’s going to do it. He’s just going to click his fingers and reality will bend to his will because he’s Trump. And you bought it. You stupid fucking cunts.

Speaking of stupid fucking cunts, if you think Trump can just ban all Muslims from entering the US then the shit you have for brains has shit for brains. Islam’s an ideology not a race, you retards. Anyone can be a Muslim. Trump could be a fucking Muslim for all you know. What kind of religious test are you going to apply? Will people have to eat a bacon sandwich to get through JFK? Is that how it’s going to work now, you stupid cunts?

And don’t even get me started on his tax plan. I’d point out the flaws but I’d have to cite experts, and we all know how much you people hate competence. Suffice it to say that everyone who knows how tax works thinks it’s the dumbest thing since My Mother the Car. But fuck them, right? What do those muckity-mucks know? They’ve only devoted their careers to understanding tax law and its economic ramifications. Trump has casinos. He must know how money works. Fuck sake…

Does that hurt your feelings? Are you all “triggered”? Well, call a whaaaambulance, bitch because no-one cares. The straight talk is that you got scammed by the most obvious conman in the history of US politics because you prefer entertainment and comforting fantasies to hard truth. Trump will do nothing for you. You’re his marks, and he’s going to rip you off because that’s what conmen do to marks.

Just remember, you break it you pay for it. The next four years of mismanagement, scandals, fuck-ups and broken promises are all on you. You don’t deserve anything from us but a big, fat “Told ya so!” You certainly don’t deserve empathy or understanding.

You. Fucking. Idiots.

I’m trying to be kind but I can’t believe you really believe what you are posting. Never once did I hear Trump supporters bemoaning Clinton’s lack of detailed policy. I heard plenty of “lock her up” chants and lots of accusations about her stealing their guns. Lots of nattering about emails. But not once did I hear any sober request for specifics on Hillary’s plans.

Yes, her ads attacked Trump. But if you honestly can’t see how stupid she’d have to be not to use Trump’s own offensive sound bites (and the sound bites of his own party members) against him, I really don’t know what to say to you. I guarantee if she churned out the type of ads you’re talking about, she would’ve been roasted for being too tame and boring.

Sorry. Got a little carried away, there. On the bright side, I feel a little better. And needless to say, Stuffy, not a single word of that was aimed at you. I just used your quote as a jumping off point. The people who voted for Trump because they believed (or, at least, gave themselves permission to pretend to believe) his stupid policies don’t deserve empathy or understanding. They deserve unvarnished straight talk, because that’s what they’re always telling the rest of us they’re hungry for. And the unvarnished straight truth is that Trump’s flagship policies are stupid and unworkable and they’re idiots for believing he could ever make them come true.

Of course, it is clear from the figures that these are not all the party partisans, but they were large numbers who voted for Obama.

attracting the wide support and the wide interest and engagement needs a certain political talent.

Yes, I believe it because I’ve witnessed it. I am/was a reluctant Clinton supporter I’d have preferred Sanders but the race was over before it got to California. However, every time I bought up her potential short comings I was attacked as a naive Bernie Bro, or a tea party bullshit swallowing idiot. Then I was treated to a condescending lesson in civic resposnsibilty. That was how you treated your teammates; imagine for a moment how the other side felt!

I have no problem with attack ads like that, but they are not a substitute for policy. There was time/room for “my opponents plan is idiocy; here’s mine” Short and sweet, it probably fits on a sign and everything. Like it or not, assinine or not, Trump was making promises. Clinton was playing it safe and tactical.

No worries, I picked up on that. We’re good. Plus we’re all a little frustrated.

So you were treated unkindly, ok. But I don’t see you saying this treatment sent you running into Trump’s arms. Why not? Probably because you are rational and have the sense to judge a candidate based on his/her qualifications and message, not on whether or not his supporters are nice to you.

And likewise, I’m not anti-Trump because his supporters don’t do it for me. Shoot, I’m sure some are nice enough folks, at least to your face. It’s Trump that made me not want to vote for Trump, or more broadly, the party values that he represents.

The negativity you say you encountered from other Dems is not unidirectional. A lot of Bernie supporters did their fair share of attacking Hillary supporters during the primary. Such is the reality of heated political contests today and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

People need to take responsibility for their own voting decisions. Blaming that shit on someone else because they weren’t nice enough to you is an intellectual cop out, and if our populace is loaded with voters who are this weak-minded and thin-skinned, then that is the problem. Not the people who aren’t nice enough.

Making promises is not policy.

I believe it goes a step further - it wasn’t just condescension and derision by the Democrats that fueled this outcome, it was perceived condescension and derision from BOTH parties that did it. I believe people were railing against the political elites who have been in power for generations. It’s not the president that runs the country, as he/she is beholden to the party for their very career. It’s the political parties that run the country, and the party powers-that-be are risk averse and don’t like change. In Trump people saw someone who was willing to tell his own party leaders to screw off, I don’t need you. Pissed the Republican establishment right off, baffled the Democratic party machine - and resonated with a whole lot of voters. I don’t think most people support what he said so much as they supported someone who would actually say it to the politicos on both sides.

I (and many, many others) would have been disappointed, for differing reasons, no matter which of the candidates won. Either would have taken office with a negative opinion rating, and rightly so IMHO. Both were flawed candidates. Only one bit the hand that fed him. Had he toed the party line I don’t think Trump would have won.

My opinion on this was formed prior to the election and borne out by post balloting interviews with people who voted for Trump. As one analyst put it, paraphrased, “People see Trump as the experimental medicine for what ails America - a medicine that they know will likely come with some undesirable side effects, but one that they are willing to try anyway.”

I am Doctor Jackson, and I approved this message.

The Trump gang is already walking a lot of that bullshit back.

No wall.
No mass deportations.
No round up of Mooslums.
No arrest or jail for Hillary.

All you idiots were played by a con man, and you won’t get a damn thing you were all slavering for.

And when the jobs KEEP disappearing, you won’t have any unemployment or health coverage either.

In the words of South Park, he’s gonna fuck you all to death.