December 6, 2002, 2:15am
I have a 20 page paper I have to write for an English Composition class. It is one the current global political climate.
I am sitting here taking a break and letting my mind rest. It hurts. I can hear it screaming at me.
[Brain] What the hell are you doing??? Why didn’t you let me do this over several days instead of one hour? What the hell were you/I thinking???
Ok, done complaining now.
When leechboy gets to that point he usually cons his mum into taking notes whilst he paces around and dictates his essay.
He conned me into it once but never again, apparently literary criticism is not appreciated during the creative process.
Sure fire wrist / brain tonic – chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.
You… write… papers… with… your… HAND???
LaurAnge hugs and loves her computer
Speaking as someone who is currently writing a take-home final due tomorrow.
December 6, 2002, 3:07am
My professor requires this particular assignment to be handwritten. Why, i know not.
I would love to dictate, but he is really finicky about format, so that kinda sucks. Oh well.
That’s AWFUL. All my assignments have to be typed. My heart goes out to you, hope it went well.
December 6, 2002, 2:43pm
I just finished my last final and I’m headed downstairs to the reference room to print it out and had it in.
But I know what you’re saying about handwritten stuff - I took a final Monday night that had to be written in blue books, and I walked out with my hand aching. I type almost everything now, and when I have to write something out it’s slow and painful.