
In addition to the page above, which is for my music, I also went a created a “personal” page: Misnomer71.

Yes, I’m a little bored these days. :smiley:

Any friend requests will come from my personal profile; I’d like to keep the music profile “clean,” except for other musicians (bienville, I’ll be sending a request your way one of these days!). Likewise, if you’d like to send me a friend request, please be sure to do so at /misnomer71. I have no friends right now – :frowning: --, but when I get some more time today to play with my profiles I’ll start bugging y’all.

Go here. It’s my profile - on the left about halfway down, there is a link that says “View All Colin’s Groups”. Click on that and it’s the first one.

Subject line? I just submitted requests to join the SDMB group and add bienville as a friend, and neither time did I see a subject line … just a dialog saying “are you sure you want to do this?” Is there a way to send a friend request other than clicking on someone’s “Add to Friends” link that gets me a subject line?

When you click “Add to Friends” it just sends a “Friend” request to the user with just a link to your page.

Best way to do it is to click “Add to Friends” then go back to the main profile and click “Send Message”, from there you can write a message which allows a Subject line.

I actually almost wrote you off as a “random” person 'cause you didn’t let me know who you were. But, because you didn’t have an overflowing “Friends” page I figured you weren’t a non-discriminating “Friend” collecter. I guessed that you might be SDMB so I added you after I found you on the Group page. Took a little bit more work on my part and might have accidentally deleted you.

When I did my first big sweep to gather Dopers I wrote out a generic “I’m bienville from the SDMB” message, then just pasted it into the message box for all Dopers I had sent “Friend” requests to.

Glad you found me though! I’ll listen to your tunes soon!

I may be a lurker, but being in the straightdope myspace group would be very nice. If someone sends me an invite, you can count me in!

Tamryne (my myspace)

Here I am:


Which no longer exists. :smiley:

I truly was very bored the day I set it up, and when I got a message from some random guy yesterday I realized that other people are going to see it and try to contact me (besides friends, family, and SDMB folks)! For that reason, it felt too much like an online dating profile – and I already have one of those. :slight_smile: So I deleted that account, and will focus on the music page that I set up initially.

Excellent! Thanks. :slight_smile: