
I created a Myspace page a while back, but haven’t yet figured out what to do with it!!

Myspace site is:

Well, then, never mind about the “no one over 30” bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just slightly over 30!! :slight_smile:

15 Members in the Group so far. Sweet!

Just sent my app in for the group.

And my profile is here

Mine is

I’m signing up for the group, so whoever is administrating it, let me in.

Heeeeere’s bienville!

Send the hotties a “Friend Request”. Believe me, they’ll add you. The folks posting sexy pictures of themselves collect as many friends as they possibly can.
Personally, I never approve any “Friend Requests” from anyone who is obviously just trying to get as many names on their page as possible. I use it a lot for networking so I like the “Friends” page to be a postive reflection of me.

See my above comment. Yeah, I think a lot of the “sexy pics” types have some idea that having thousands of people on their “Friends” page represents some kind of fame.
But there are people on the site for all kinds of reasons. I don’t mind that some just want to share and/or collect sexually explicit photos ‘cause it doesn’t hinder my use of the site for my own purposes.

If you approve someone’s “Friend” request then that person changes their avatar to something you don’t want displayed on your page, go to the “Edit Friends” option on your main page. This gives you the option to delete them. You can also delete any comments any of your “Friends” posts to your page.

See above.

Do it! We wanna hear!

Ditto. I’m very involved in the music scene in L.A. With just a few exceptions, all of the musicians on my “Friends” page are personal friends of mine. We all love it. It’s a great promo tool- you can post your tunes, your website, and your gigs- and it’s also really great for networking and getting to know other artists.
If you’re an active performer I strongly recommend MySpace for these purposes.
NAF1138, you didn’t tell us your MySpace page. Send me a “Friend” request and check out some of the musicians on my page. Accompany the request with a message that has SDMB in the subject.

I keep on trying to search for sdmb but it keep son throwing an error for now. Either way, I am goyoubigredfireengine on myspace, no real profile yet, I’ll get around to it in the next couple of days.

I joined MySpace a few months ago because a few singers I’m a fan of are on there, but I haven’t been too sure what to do with it.

Here’s my page.

You can just go to the profiles of some of the others in this thread and look at their groups, it’s in there. Not for me, though, still waiting for approval hint hint :smiley:

Might I suggest that if “SDMB” or something similar is not one of your interests, send a messge when trying to add a fellow Doper? I’m trying not to add completely random people, so if I don’t recognize you as a FOAF or a Doper or something like that, I’d probably deny yhr efriend request.

Or maybe it’s just me.

Bear_Nenno or Troy McClure SF: I’ve sent a request to join the SDMB group. I’m listed as “Raymond”.

Ahh, thanks.
I’m now Big_Red_Fire_Engine.

No, I’m the same way. I almost deleted bienville’s add request for that very reason. But he was smart enough to put SDMB in the subject line.
I’m in there too, now.

Oh, ok. :smiley:

My page.


Hey Kids…can I join too? My Myspace profile name is Goliard.

I have a feeling that is the real reason for this thread. :smiley:

You know I didn’t even realize that I hadn’t linked to my page. It is a little skimpy and a little neglected,here I am. Happy to add all you to my very little community. I try to keep my friends list to only people that I actually know and talk to on a regular basis, but I spend enough time reading the SDMB that I think you all quaify. :smiley:

I’d like to join, but it seems that searching for groups keeps giving me “unexpected errors”. Is there any way to set up a link to the group page?