I was just reliving the horrible morning of September 11, 2001, by re-reading the Straight Dope thread started by Living Dead Girl at 9:02 am that morning as soon as she heard the news of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center. That was how I learned the news. I had just gotten to work and the first thing I did was look at the SDMB and saw that thread the minute she started it.
Lots of Dopers posted breaking news to the same thread as they heard it, preserving feverish bits of news reports which have otherwise disappeared from history.
09:46 AM
“old executive building behind the White House is also on fire…THe White House itself might be on fire.”
09:47 AM
“Fire in the Washington mall too.”
09:48 AM
"We also are getting reports of an incident at the Old Executive Office Building in DC. "
09:50 AM
“A third plane is reported to be on the way by Reuteurs”
10:01 AM
“A third plane just went through the south tower. It’s collapsed”
10:02 AM
“another blast at some mall…”
10:02 AM
“Cnn just said the Treasury building is on fire”
10:12 AM
“Explosion at the CAPITAL OH.MY.GOD…”
10:17 AM
“another attack on the capitol…”
10:17 AM
“Fires on the Mall and at the Old Executive building.”
10:24 AM
“An explosion was reported at the Capitol Building”
10:25 AM
“Car bomb outside State Department”
10:30 AM
“a carbomb went off in front of the state building…”
10:30 AM
“Capitol Hill explosions are definely confirmed”
10:45 AM
“There is something going on at Dulles Airport, but I can’t find out what it is.”
10:48 AM
“there is also a fire at the state department. – and a car bomb exploded outside at 10-30 eastern time.”
11:14 AM
“According to CNN, there’s been another explosion in NYC, they think from a car bomb.”
02:18 PM
“Camp David was attacked”
03:50 PM
“An aircraft crashed into the U.S. presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland, on Tuesday, CBS television reported.” … "Several other federal buildings in Washington were also attacked. "
Also, I remember people at work that morning repeating rumors they’d heard on the news that “a plane is circling Dulles Airport.” This was after all flights had been grounded. It was worrying: what was that anomalous plane doing circling Dulles? I lived near Dulles, so had cause for concern. Nothing more was heard about it, so I never found out what was up with that. What is the explanation for these incidents? The Old Executive Office Building? The State Department? The Mall? The Treasury? Did anything really happen in these places, and if not, why were they reported? A third plane hitting the WTC? WTF?