Mysterious whirlpool develops of Sydney coast


And it’s rather large:

R’lyeh is on the move?

That’s it - we’re going down the drain.

It’s official … the South Pacific sucks.

Whoever pulled the plug please put it back.

Are there any actual photos of this thing? I’d like to see what a 200m whirlpool looks like.

Is it swirling clockwise or counter-clockwise. I always wanted to test this.

You can’t see it.

It would look like the ocean always does. From the link:

These are disturbing movements. The fault is a continuation… the sea OPENS.

Better than coming up it.

Must be a lot of dizzy fish off our coast at the moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this having any effect on the beach waves at all? Is my husband going to freak out that he’s missing all the good surf?

I’m right on the beach - not much out of the ordinary today.

Could this be related in any way to the seismic activity that triggered the release of oil near New Zealand?

I realize that the whirlpool and the oil seepage are nowhere near each other but could there be a link between the two?

I smell another Godzilla sequel… :slight_smile:

The kraken stirs. And ten billion sushi dinners cry out for vengeance.

It’s 200km across.

Madam, you win the thread. bows

There wouldn’t be. See posts #8 and #9.