N. and S. Korea firing artillery at each other

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with a perfect example of my previous point. To refresh your memories:

“Unlike the rest of you, he did not even bother to justify his positions; he would simply present them as accepted truth and demand that others disproved them.”

Notice how, once again, FinnAgain makes an unsubstantiated claim that he is clearly unqualified to make (barring the possibility that he moonlights as an ICC judge). Were we to ask him to back up his assertion, he would launch into a lengthy ad hominem attack while conveniently weaseling out of providing evidence for his statements.

Truly a one-trick pony.

No, you patently do not wish to “see a good argument.” Since you have already made up your mind as to the conclusion, such an argument would be superfluous and a waste of your time. What I find interesting is that you are willing to admit your own unshakable bias on such matters, yet hold yourself out as an open-minded person…

Oh, by the way, seeing as I grew up in the Soviet Union, I would argue that I have some “actual experience” with socialism in practice. But you should totally disregard this inconvenient fact if you find that it undermines your ignorant assertions. Don’t worry, I’ll understand; you’re not the first fanatic I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with.

The topic of this thread is how stupid you and people like you are, and that indeed was “one post into this thread” in the sense that it was described in the first post of this thread, hence you have the (well, an additional) comprehension problem.

I have no intentions or illusions about debating you. You’ve bought into mystical nonsense about the wonders of communism and the evils of capitalism. I could no more argue you out of it than if you were a cult follower of Charles Manson.

You should get yourself up to speed, my stupid acquaintance. Possibly the topic of the original now-closed thread was about the recent flareup between the Koreas, but the original post of this thread doesn’t even mention said flareup, as it is irrelevant to the despicability of communism and the stupidity of its boosters.

Ha, that’s comically adorable of you, commenting on my intelligence. You’ve no idea.

And feel free to start another thread on the topic of your choice back in GD if that suits you, but here in the Pit, you’re a braindead bitch who mutters stupidities in an effort to sound clever and is only capable of fooling people as dumb as yourself, and we are free to describe and address you as such, bitch.

I don’t cry for NK. I look forward to its destruction. Was that unclear? Should I have written it with bigger letters and smaller sentences so you could grasp it?

Anyway, if you like communism and this is truly motivated by concern for the plight of the working classes and such, if anything I’d expect you to be outraged by NK’s abuses, even more than me. Since you are not, I figure you for a troll or an apologist who really doesn’t care about the masses and supports communism in the hope that one day they’ll take power wherever you live, recognize you as a kindred spirit and give you some minor government role where you can have a taste of power and teach the proles the correct way to live. I figure if that ever does happen, you’ll be dismissed as a useful idiot and given harmless busywork as long as you remain compliant, with a bullet waiting for you if you start to speak out, as has been the fate of many an outspoken individual who has been in love with a theory but horrified by its practice.

Or I could be generous and just assume you’re a troll. Either way.

Well, the tens of millions of corpses helped in forming my conclusion. How do the tens of millions of corpses affect you, or do they?

And you’re pro-Putin? Well, I stand by my earlier linking of communism in practice and fascism in practice. Some people want there to be a strong leader doing what it necessary, killing who is necessary, and the written laws of the state are an afterthought. Congratulations. You’re not a communist by choice - you’re a slave by choice.

Or he could simply refer you to his earlier post in this thread, number 9. Since you seem a little slow, I will provide you with a direct link.

Just for the record, Commissar, how old are you?

Actually I think that folks will notice that you are incredibly stupid, a liar, a troll, or some combination. They may also notice that I pointed out something like a half dozen examples of your habit of making unfounded assertions while you refuse to provide proof and try to change the subject via stupidity and dishonesty and rather than finally providing proof, you tried to change the subject with stupidity and dishonesty.

The biggest thing I notice, Finn, is that Commissar accuses others of doing what he’s doing yet those others have not engaged in those so-called debating tactics.

I like the juxtaposition of these two paragraphs. Paragraph #1 accuses me of harboring an extreme bias against capitalism; Paragraph #2 reveals your extreme bias against socialism. In other words, “Do as I say, not as I do,” eh? Love the irony.

You’re right, I have “no idea,” but the evidence leads me to believe that your intelligence falls towards the bottom of the spectrum, at least in comparison to most other posters on these forums.

Oh, my! A “braindead bitch?” How clever and astoundingly mature your insults are! Why don’t you call me a “faggot” next, and maybe throw in a “yo’ mama” joke or two. The rest of your middle school friends will be astounded and overawed by your caustic wit! :rolleyes:

The difference between you and me is that I don’t allow my emotions to cloud my judgment. The fact that I have a negative view of North Korea does not automatically render it responsible for any skirmishes with its neighbor to the south. Unlike you, I see no need to throw a fit and hysterically proclaim North Korean guilt from the rooftops. Learn to separate your feelings from the facts of the world around you.

I am ready to fulfill whatever role the people, through their socialist representatives, deem best to assign to me. A small governmental posting would work just fine.

Your conclusion? The reply wasn’t directed at you, so I clearly was not asking for YOUR conclusion. You just don’t pay attention to anything, do you? I even specifically reminded you to read the posts carefully before vomiting up your mindless responses… Have your parents considered Ritalin?

Are you trying to ask whether I am opposed to the death of innocents? Of course I am. Why do you think I have such a negative view of Yankee imperialism and all the human suffering that it causes throughout the world?

Hey, look at that! It’s a wonderful example of Rule #7 from FinnAgain’s Official Guide to Debating Like a Weasel:

“Called out on an outrageous statement that you just pulled out of your ass? Don’t panic! Simply insult your interlocutor and hope that nobody notices the complete lack of supporting evidence for your lies. If it’s good enough for conspiracy theorists and Fox News anchors, it’s good enough for you!”

Hmmm, I might need to have my eyes checked. I’ve gone through that post several times, and I just can’t seem to find a link to the ICC decision establishing North Korea’s recent actions as a “war crime.” You know, the only source that could actually make such a determination? Since you seem to have located it, would you mind pointing it out to me?

In another thread you stated that the number of people shot to death trying to climb the wall into West Berlin was insignificant. So, IF I’m reading you correctly now, you’re now opposed to the state sponsored executions of those (innocent) people? Or are they not innocent?

So no one else is qualified to state an opinion that it is a war crime?

Thanks for the notice. Now do not dare to state your own opinion of anything again, Sonny Jim, lest we all ask you for cites about which official agency declared it to be so.


My well-justified bias is against communism. I’m merely suspicious of socialism. If you want to view the two as equivalent, I’ll just take that as a further sign of your ignorance.

Anyway, the extremity of your beliefs is irrelevant (assuming of course your descriptions of your beliefs are sincere, and that remains an open question). You’re a moron. You believe lots of things that are devoid of reason or evidence. How extreme you are in believing something stupid doesn’t really matter - it’s still a stupid belief.

I have no problem with you believing other things that are also stupid. I consider it a mark of consistency on your part.

Oh, I’m far too respectful of gay rights (a sentiment few communist nations have historically shared) to throw around “faggot” casually. In fact, the homosexuals I find myself arguing alongside in various gay-marriage threads are far more worthy of my respect than I think you’ll ever be.


No, the difference is that you’ve allowed your stupidity and willful ignorance to cloud your judgement. I mean, seriously… Amnesty International is unfair to authoritarians? Please admit that was a joke and salvage some minor shred of dignity.

Fit? Hysterically? Rooftops? Your exaggerations sound like emotional bias to me. In any case, this particular flareup is merely a trivial footnote in my larger antipathy against fascism, communism, and the fuzzy-headed useful idiots who cheerfully look forward to boot-licking their new masters while denouncing everyone else in a desperate bid to give their pathetic lives some significance.

Are you prepared to clean toilets for the greater good? Shovel out barns? Do you have skills that you think could be put to more productive use?

Well, you posted in a public forum where anyone (and not just me) could reply to it. If you want to control the conversation, get a blog and simply censor out the replies you don’t like. Authoritarians are fond of that sort of thing, fearful little mice that they are. You are of course, free to reply or not reply to anything I (or anyone) posts to this public forum. I will respect your right to do so, even if I feel your posts are full of lies and bullshit, because I want the same right for myself, even as I do my best to avoid lies and bullshit.

I’ve read some of what you’ve written. That’s how I formed my opinion of you. I think it’s a fairly accurate one - either you’re a “useful idiot” or a troll, or possibly some combination.

You can’t make me angry - you already hold my profound contempt and getting angry at you on top of that would be superfluous.

Sure, hate Yankee imperialism for all its deaths it has caused, and if you were contributing money and/or effort to fight injustice in South America, you could get some respect. But how do you feel about Stalin or Mao who racked up death counts orders of magnitude higher? They don’t count? What’s your estimate of Yankee Imperialist deaths? Is it higher than the number of deaths in North Korea under the Kims? Under Pol Pot? Under Castro? Can you give us a figure and some cites to back it up? It’s about damn time you contributed a fact or two.

It’s just how he trolls. He engages in obvious behaviors that everybody reading along can catch, and then to try to annoy people his response is pretty much “I know you are but what am I?”

He’s stupid, but not that stupid. He knows that he didn’t provide cites for any of his unfounded assertions in the other thread, and every time he did refer to an actual cite it was pointed out that he had dishonestly described it and/or cherrypicked its contents so as to distort its meaning as thoroughly as possible. Faced with the facts he obviously cannot argue against them, so we see the kind of trolling dishonesty that’s his stock in trade.

When he’s not got a rebuttal, a lie will do as well as accusing someone of the behavior that he knows he’s guilty of, and they are not.

For instance:

Commissar, I’d like to see if you can put up or shut up.

Name three countries that follow your governmental ideals where someone can reliable eat, not fear being rounded up by government thugs over petty crap, and has ability to be upwardly mobile despite whatever class they’re born into.

Just so we’re clear, being arrested as a result of religious persecution, or speaking your mind falls under the term “petty crap”.

Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?

Oder sind Sie ein Schweinhund?

My silly little friend, there is a world of difference between a subjective opinion on matters subject to multiple viewpoints, on the one hand, and legal verdicts on the other.

For example, if I were to post “FinnAgain is a disingenuous and ignorant poster prone to making baseless statements,” that would be an opinion. You could still challenge it, but you likely would not expect me to be able to post to a third party authority to prove my statement.

If, on the other hand, I were to make an absurd statement of fact such as “FinnAgain is guilty of distributing child pornography,” I would damn well expect you to ask for a cite to an actual criminal conviction.

By same token, saying “I believe that North Korea fired first” is an opinion. Saying “North Korea is guilty of a war crime” is a statement of legal facts, and thus requires supporting authority.

I am opposed to the killing of any innocent people. There is a very real question as to whether or not a person voluntarily and willfully trying to cross a “Do Not Cross” zone is truly “innocent,” but let’s ignore that for now. Either way, shooting a person committing a crime (when apprehension is impractical) hardly counts as an “execution.”

Still, I wish that those people did not have to die. Ideally, they would have stayed away from the wall, and thus would not have perished upon it. Still, killing them was likely a bit harsh. Nevertheless, not all killings are created equal. A handful of deaths over a period of decades is almost nothing compared to the tremendous death tolls that the Empire has racked up in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past several years. In this comparison, at least, it is easy to see which nation deserves the greater amount of condemnation by peace-loving individuals such as myself.

Easy to say when you seem to not accept any authority and since North Korea is not a signer of many treaties NK gets an out by you.

Indeed, easy to do when you set the parameters.

What I said still stands, there was no good justification for the rocket attack that NK did to the island.