N. Carolina Lt Governor Mark Robinson

I know that we have threads to pit Republicans, but this guy just seems so deeply whacko he needs his own thread. A snapshot:

"He once described the movie Black Panther as “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by [a] satanic marxist”. He then said it “was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets”.

He’s been described by Trump as MLK on steroids.

I guess if those steroids caused a psychosis

From the link,

In 2014, he quoted Hitler on Facebook in a statement about racial pride. He defended the post in a speech last July, saying quoting the Nazi leader doesn’t equate to supporting him.

“Because you quoted Hitler, you support Hitler,” he said. “I guess every history book in America supports Hitler now. They all quote him.”

I doubt that many of those history books quoted him in a positive light.

Oh I have no doubts that the history books that this guy is reading probably have tons of positive Hitler coverage.

Yeah, typical republican.

He’s enjoying a huge amount of media attention now. Let’s hope that the voters of North Carolina see it all, and make a wise decision on whether or not to grant this individual power.

Yes, he does have some power now (as Lt. Governor). But it seems reasonable to guess that there was much less scrutiny on him before the election that put him in that seat.

Robinson is really, really scary. If he wins, I also expect Michele Morrow to win as state superintendent, because they’re an equal package of crazy.

If those two win, it’ll be time for me to look at jobs in other states. It’ll mean that the MAGA cult will have taken over our state government, and at that point I’ll be genuinely afraid.

Left Hand, it is really bad for sure when reactionaries like them get even considered for nomination. I have relatives like that who are white supremacist and want to have theocracy. It’s a good thing my blood pressure doesn’t give me a stroke when I talk with them. I totally empathize with you.

From the link

“Morrow, a mother of five homeschooled children, has also called public schools ‘socialism centers’ and ‘indoctrination centers’ and urged people not to send their children to them.”

Sure, lets put someone who believes public education should be abolished in charge of schools, what could go wrong? Meanwhile we can put the head of PETA in charge of overseeing the Beef industry.

Ah yes, this asshole:


Yeah, he’s a piece of shit.

Some more gems

This has the added beauty of normalizing animal abuse (I think, I’m not familar with ‘beat the bird dog hell’ idiom, but I’m assuming it means beating someone just like you beat your bird dog).

Dude sounds seriously mentally ill. Which to be honest is a selling point for today’s Republicans.

And not the fun, Herschel Walker, “I don’t want to be a vampire anymore, I want to be a werewolf,” kind of mental illness.

His opposition to the civil rights movement is a real head scratcher. Uncle Ruckus is that you?

Once again: Where DO these people come from, anyway?

Asking for a “British cigarette”. He thinks that’s clever?

Had never heard of this guy before a few days ago. And yeah he’s a real piece of work. I think we might be looking at the future of the MAGAT party right here. He’s trying to out trump trump, and I dare say he might be doing a decent job of it.

I’m not a Photoshop junkie, but somebody needs to take one of those dumb AI pictures of trump with black people and just replace all of them with him.

It’s not, though. There are dumb people everywhere, and there’s no particular reason why Black people should get fewer dumb people than White people do. Plenty of White people vote against their interests, out of some sort of ideological zeal. Robinson is just another moron whose ideological zeal makes him hold dumb beliefs.

There’s a weird phenomenon with White conservatives, where they’re super sensitive about being the party of White supremacy. So when a Black person comes along and agrees with them, they’re thrilled. It’s a chance to prove they’re not racist!

Robinson won the lieutenant governorship in part on the strength of that appeal, and he won the primary in part of the strength of that appeal. I don’t believe he’ll win the general, but it’s a very scary thought.

I don’t understand this at all. It doesn’t make any sense to me.

You’re not seriously expecting him to make sense, are you?