Naked, but not getting dressed, in the gym locker room.

They often run short of towels, so I think that would be inconsiderate in this situation. Even if there were towels-aplenty, I think it would be wasteful. One towel is sufficient to dry my body and my hair; I can’t justify dirtying twice as many just because someone might happen to catch a glimpse of my unconcealed pubic region. Imagine if everyone took two. They’d need to buy more towels, use twice much energy laundering them, spend twice as much time folding them . . .

  1. I am never naked in the locker room at my gym. Luckily I don’t live too far from the gym, so I show up in workout clothes, do my thing, and go home in my sweaty workout clothes to shower and change in complete privacy.

  2. I am 27.

  3. There is usually at least one naked dude in the locker room when I go in, and that person, whoever it may be, is rarely in any hurry to get dressed. Sometimes I’ll go fill my water bottle around the corner to give them a chance to put something on, since naked or not, nobody likes to be rushed or crowded. But it’s definitely older people (in their 40s and older) who do this, not people my age or younger.

Trust me. I’ve tried it. I just sweat again once I’m out, and get such serious shrinkage that I have* two *lumps in my throat. Nope. Air drying is the best for me.

  1. I am naked only as necessary.
  2. I am 40.
  3. The only guy who I really see naked a lot is creepy, IMO - he even goes into the bathroom part of the locker room naked, where he nakedly stands at the urinal. He also doesn’t pull the shower curtain across when he showers, I surmise just so more people see him naked.
  1. I occasionally take showers at my gym, and I bring my clean clothes with me to the stall and change there. If for some reason I need to return to my locker, I wrap up with a towel. I’m perfectly comfortable with walking around naked, but I’m aware that others might not be and it’s a small thing for me to cover up.

  2. I’m 25

  3. No trend here, other than seeing more naked ladies in the sauna during the day than at night.

There was one woman, in great physical shape and obviously working towards a fitness competition, who flexed and struck a variety of poses naked. I could see why; we have great lighting and lots of mirrors. She didn’t draw it out too long, though, and it was just her and I there.

I would rather folks just use the locker room for locking, changing, and showering as opposed to naked lounging. If I wanted naked lounging then I would go to a naked lounge.

Most disturbing of all, though, is the old yoga guy who does nude stretching. Call me a prude, but when an 80 year-old naked Chinese guy is stretching his foot up over his head, he needs to be wearing sat least a loincloth.
Far more disturbing, however, is the fact that the curtains of the showers facing the changing area all seem to develop these little holes, at eye-level and only at eye-level, no matter how often management replaces them.

Given the age trend I’m seeing here, I’ll hazard that the reason the over-40 set seems much more casual about nudity in the locker room is that we grew up in the era of mandatory phys ed with mandatory showering in our school years; and those of us who were in the military served in the old “less enlightened” times when maintaining the privacy and dignity of boots was, shall we say, not a priority.

To the OP:

Did you think to ask him if he was OK? What you just described sounds like the beginning of a hypoglycemic state; he may have let his sugar get too low (there’s a chance he doesn’t even know he is diabetic.)

The other guys- well, I guess you can hang out naked for too long, but your attack on the naked fat guy seems unwarranted. What the hell is he supposed to do, hide himself from the world? He’s at a gym for Christ’s sake, it sounds like he’s at least making an effort.

Please accept my apologies, I didn’t answer your questions before.

  1. Quite fairly casual (see prior post)
  2. 45 - 55.
  3. No definite trend, as in a gradual change. We do have one older guy who seems to fit the “old naked guy” stereotype, but it’s no big deal. Everyone knows him and he’s harmless, nice to talk to actually. Also I’ve noticed that a few, but not all, younger guys seem obsessively modest; after a workout they wrap a towel around their waist and carefully drop their shorts and underwear from inside the towel.

But the equipment is not a bench in the locker room. The benches are for sitting on, and that guy has been sitting on naked on that bench since before they allowed girls in. He probably swam naked, and sat naked on the bench while he was getting dressed.

In answer to your questions, BTW:

  1. I haven’t been in a locker room in years, but I have noticed a disturbing trend where people get freaked out about non-sexual nudity. Sexual nudity is, of course, just as popular as ever.

  2. I am 39

  3. I learned my locker room etiquette in high school, where I had a shower after sports, I’d guess, about 120 times a year. We used to hang out and talk in the shower, or in the locker room all the time. Often naked. After a while, I just didn’t notice. One big factor in not noticing: Do not look at other guys’ junk. Even if you’re just curious or whatever: eyes front, soldier. After all, most guys are naked from the neck up all the time.

Did this guy have thick, long hair? If so that was probably the most sensible place to wear the towel, if he wanted to get a head start on drying his hair.


A male would never write that sentence.

  1. Pretty casual. However, if I’m standing at the sink I’ll drape a towel over the front - mainly cause I don’t like rubbing up against the bare wood/tile/metal whatever.

  2. 45-55

  3. It’s a locker room - with naked people - big deal. If some guy is taking his time - doesn’t bother me. What does make me wonder is what kind of world some of the ones that are so paranoid about nudity have grown up in and what kind of world they are going to run when they’re in charge. Christ, just relax - chances are nobody gives a damn. Although I do have to say, some of the paranoid neurotics that are going through all kinds of convulsions to change while still keeping a towel wrapped around them do provide some good humor :smiley:

  1. In high school I was mortified to be nekkid. And I was on a swim team, practicing twice a day, which didn’t help matters. In college I pretty much got over myself, and it didn’t bother me too much. Now I’m almost at the point where getting a notice while nekkid is sort-of a compliment. Almost.

  2. I’m 38.

  3. There are two so-naked-you-have-to-comment people at my Y. We talk about them amongst ourselves all the time.

Large Naked Man On Vinyl is the guy who is always sitting on the vinyl couch, watching the TV in the locker room. No, I don’t know why we have a TV in the locker room. He’s looks to be ~60, and ~300+ lbs. He pretty much stays there for hours, and then dresses and leaves. I’ve never actually seen him working out, although he’s usually sweaty. We figure he’s telling his wife he’s going to work out, just to get away from home. Where, maybe, he can’t be naked. :dubious:

Naked Shower Peeper is this little guy in his 40s, who’s always naked and either going into the shower, or about to go into the shower. When I get there, he’s heading to the shower. When I get back from weights on my way to the pool, again into the shower. When I’m showering after the pool, he’s in the shower – not actually soaping up, just sort of standing around. Lately, he’s being referred to as “Little Chubby”, not so much because of his weight, but because of how he shows his interest in showering…

And yet, despite all the nekkid mysteries, I’m more perplexed by the purpose of the Standing In Shallow Water Not Getting Our Hair Wet “excercise” class.

I’m not really much of a gym-goer, but I do hang out in men’s changing rooms (mainly because they won’t let me in the women’s ones) at various pretty damned upmarket clubs in Hong Kong.

  1. How casual are you with being naked in your locker room? Not a problem. Have been known to walk 10 yards or so to pick up a towel when I’ve stripped off and realise I didn;t pick up a towel on the way in. Sure I get lots of looks (furtive and otherwise), but I’ve gotten used to that over the years.

  2. What age group do you belong in? Are you under 25, 25-35, 35-45, 45-55, older than 55? Mind your own damn business! The important thing is I look like I belong pretty near the low end of the third category you give, and, I’ll tell you what’s more, I was in Bangkok earlier in the year, and a young lady there thought I was early 30s. At least, I think that was what she said, her English not being too good.

  3. Do you notice a trend among the naked folks in your locker rooms the way I have? If so, what kind of trend? The Chinese guys like blowdrying their pubes for some reason. Management had to put notices up saying “For drying hair only”, which I, being the pedant I am, thought didn’t really solve the problem.

Because the older people now were young during the ‘70s. The crones’ and geezers’ mores were formed in a time with more open attitudes toward sex and nudity than nowadays. In the '70s you could see nudity in all kinds of movies. Nowadays nudity from Hollywood is much less frequent too.

In the '70s women covered up with granny dresses and shawls, while men wore skimpy speedos and tight shirts unbuttoned all the way down. Now it’s girls who leave little to the imagination while boys are shrouded in extra yards of loose cloth. But it seemed like you could go to almost any movie that wasn’t rated G, and see nudity of either or both genders.

Heck, it drives me nuts when my roommate seems to find it okay to hang out around the room in her underwear. I understand that it’s her partly her room, but it’s my room, too, and I don’t want to be seeing that.

You’ve had the best of both worlds, then, eh?!

Crones and geezers. We thank you for that.

I’m 48. I’m not old.

yes! exactly. Though I don’t remember women covering up in the '70s; wind and weather permitting, they definitely uncovered too. Men’s clothing was more form fitting all around than what you usually see today, and shorts meant for working out in or just for everyday wearing were much shorter than anything you’d see today. For instance, in Southern California Ocean Pacific cord shorts were hugely popular among guys, as shown in the small picture at the bottom. I was in college in San Diego at the time (1975 - 80) and saw guys wearing those every single day.