Name 50 US States in 10 Minutes

It took me a little over ten minutes, as I rattled off 46 states in about 2 minutes and then sat there thinking of which 4 I had overlooked. I figured out 2 of the missing 4 in another 3 minutes, then realized how I should have done this list in the first place: to mentally zip through each two-letter combo AA through ZZ and pick out the two-letter state abbreviations I recognized. (I spent one summer typing form letters and stuffing envelopes for an organization with chapters in all 50 states, and know them all by sight.)

By the time I used this method to ID my last two missing states I was up to 12 minutes, because the last state I had missed was Utah (UT). But had I done this from the get-go I’d have been done in about 5 minutes.

The last 4 I had trouble remembering were: Oklahoma, Nebraska, Minnesota and Utah. In my mental picture of the states I knew all the states I was missing were West of the Rockies, North of Texas and East of California but that was it. I remembered Oklahoma and Nebraska in short order by trying to think of Western state nicknames used by college sports teams (“Sooners” and “Cornhuskers”), but totally blanked on Minnie and Utah until I did my list.

I really should have thought of Minnesota as they have a Major League Baseball team, AND I just visited the Twin Cities area last year for a wedding, even picking up a tuxedo at the Mall of America. I’ve also been to Utah in my life, driving through it between the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone. D’oh!

I used the same system as Pleonast, and got 46 of them in the first two minutes. I then spent the rest of the time trying to figure out the others; one embarrassment was leaving out Texas, especially so given I live there. In the end, time ran out with one state omitted:



1: Maine
2: Massachusetts
3: Vermont
4: New Hampshire
5: Connecticut
6: Rhode Island

7: New York
8: New Jersey
9: Maryland
10: Delaware
11: District of Columbus (if that counts)

12: Virginia
13: North Carolina
14: South Carolina
15: Georgia
16: Florida

17: Alabama
18: Mississippi
19: Louisiana
20: Texas

21: Oklahoma
22: Arkansas
23: Missouri
24: Tennessee
25: Kentucky
26: West Virginia

27: Pennsylvania
28: Ohio
29: Indiana
30: Michigan

31: Illinois
32: Iowa
33: Minnesota
34: Wisconsin

35: North Dakota
36: South Dakota
37: Nebraska
38: Kansas

39: Montana
40: Idaho
41: Wyoming
42: Utah
43: Alaska

44: Colorado
45: New Mexico
46: Arizona
47: Nevada

48: California
49: Oregon
50: Washington
51: Hawaii

And of course it’s pure coincidence that they’re listed in roughly the same order as on a page I’ve been refreshing five times a day for the past month.

I went geographically, starting in Maine and going down the coast and back up again from east to west. Nailed them all in about 5 minutes.

49 for me. I was sure I could get all 50, but I forgot Louisiana.

(With apologies to anyone in or from Louisiana.)

I’m a moron:

  1. Delaware (it’s tiny!)
  2. Indiana (how’d I forget that one?)
  3. Massachusetts ( I kept thinking D.C.)
  4. Arkansas (yeah, I’m dumb)
  5. Kansas (that one too?!??!)

Got 49 in 7 minutes, the exception being poor neglected Maryland. For some reason it just wouldn’t come to me. I even thought of Washington D.C. and then said “that’s not a state”… :smack:

Yes, around 8 minutes, but i was having a “senior moment” for a while on Mississippi and Rhode Island.

Thanks to a USA map puzzle I treasured during my childhood, I memorized the names of the states and their capitals at an early age.

Alabama – Montgomery
Alaska – Juneau
Arizona – Phoenix
Arkansas – Little Rock
California – Sacramento
Colorado – Denver
Connecticut – Hartford
Delaware – Dover
Florida – Tallahassee
Georgia – Atlanta

Hawaii – Honolulu
Idaho – Boise
Illinois – Springfield
Indiana – Indianapolis
Iowa – Des Moines
Kansas – Topeka
Kentucky – Frankfort
Louisiana – Baton Rouge
Maine – Augusta
Maryland – Annapolis

Massachusetts – Boston
Michigan – Lansing
Minnesota – St. Paul
Mississippi – Jackson
Missouri – Jefferson City
Montana – Helena
Nebraska – Lincoln
Nevada – Carson City
New Hampshire – Concord
New Jersey – Trenton

New Mexico – Santa Fe
New York – Albany
North Carolina – Raleigh
North Dakota – Bismarck
Ohio – Columbus
Oklahoma – Oklahoma City
Oregon – Salem
Pennsylvania – Harrisburg
Rhode Island – Providence
South Carolina – Columbia

South Dakota – Pierre
Tennessee – Nashville
Texas – Austin
Utah – Salt Lake City
Vermont – Montpelier
Virginia – Richmond
Washington – Olympia
West Virginia – Charleston
Wisconsin – Madison
Wyoming – Cheyenne

The map of the US is in my head, it took me 2 minutes and I didn’t need to write anything down, I just counted with my fingers.

It’s too bad I can’t use that part of my brain for anything useful.

I got 48 missing New Hampshire and Delaware. My problem is that I just went off a mental map of the US going north to south and west to east but I become foggy once I get into New England and I can’t put the names to the right states any more, too damn small.

It took me three and a half minutes, but the last 45 seconds or so was spent trying to come up with Arkansas.

I got the first 49 in three minutes, and spent the next three trying to remember Michigan. Usually it’s Utah I forget.

About four minutes, fifty states.

I got 45 in the first five minutes, helped my son with homework for the next five, and got four more in the third five. I missed Delaware.

Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

3 minutes, plus a few seconds to get Nevada.

Got 45 in 2 minutes, got the remaining 5 (Rhode Island was last) in another 2.5 minutes. So all 50 in under 5 minutes.

My first thought was “This is easy!” So I decided to make it a bit more difficult my doing it in alphabetical order. My first pass, I got 37 (in about 4 minutes). Then I went geographically, from west to east, and was able to fill in the remaining 13 in a total of 9 minutes and change.

Stupid Indiana almost did me in…

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
New Mexico

I got them in 7:52 seconds. :slight_smile:

To be fair, the election has me up on my state geography.

My strategy is to start with Hawaii and Alaska, then go geographically through the regions… The West, The Plains States, Texas, The Chef (Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana), the Mid West, the South, New England, East Coast… When I’m done I usually have about 47 and I gotta fill in the stragglers. It’s always a different state.

In this case- I stalled at Delaware and needed to brainstorm Georgia, Wisconsin, New Jersey and lastly Nebraska. (Don’t ask me how I forgot georgia and New Jersey… working fast I guess)