Name one of your good health habits, and one bad one

I floss every day (picked up the habit as an adult - my parents barely taught us to brush, let alone floss. The trick is to have a package of floss EVERYWHERE in the house.)

I really, really like carbs. I know you need to have about 60% of your diet in the form of carbs, but they probably don’t mean chocolate and chips. :frowning:

Good: I work out regularly.
Bad: Pretty much everything else in my life, except that I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. Other than that and the exercise, my health habits all suck.

Good: I take great care of my teeth.
Bad: The rest of me, not so much.

Good: I try to drink the appropriate amount of water every day.

Bad: Just about everything else I do.

Good - I used to be be overweight, so I’ve been maintaining my 70lb weight loss for years which means I eat very very carefully (mostly whole foods, very little processed foods, 0 junk food/fast food). I also floss every night and have never had a cavity.

Bad - I hate exercising and I rarely do it.

Good: I exercise 3-4 times a week.

Bad: I don’t get enough sleep.

Bad: I eat a lot of crap

Good: I always wear a seatbelt

Good: I see the dentist regularly, floss twice a day, and get a physical every year. I wear my seat belt. I balance my checkbook every two weeks. I’ve lost 30 lbs this summer from tracking what I eat.

Bad: I’m not very good with keeping up with the yardwork/housework. I watch too much TV. I have no patience with stupidity (which doesn’t work very well for me at work, although I am working on it and have gotten better.)

Good: I don’t drink, smoke, take drugs or drink soft drinks and I drink a lot of water. I exercise regularly and eat a pretty balanced diet.

Bad: I have a big sweet tooth so the balanced diet also contains more chocolate than it probably should. I haven’t been to the dentist for two years. :frowning:

Good: I floss twice a day, brush 3-4 times a day (electric 2-3 times included), and swish with mouthwash twice a day.

Bad: I sip coffee and tea all day long…

Switch to diet coke, duh. :rolleyes:

Good: I keep track of my mental health, and seek help before it gets too bad.

Bad: My dinner tonight was popcorn and beer…

Good: Bike to work every day, 25-30km round trip

Bad: Haven’t been to a dentist in years.