Name that book! (Jewish biography/short stories)

Recent Jewish-themed threads have caused me to recollect an author interview I heard on NPR a year (or two) ago. I forgot to check the site for his name afterwards and would be VERY grateful if any of you can suggest his name or the title of his memoirs.

I don’t have much to go on but I know people on this site have come through with less info. :slight_smile:

After the interview, the author read one of his short stories. My foggy recollection of the story is thus:

~ The author was in a very strict school
~ He learned that at his age, if he broke any Jewish laws his father would bear the consequences
~ He started breaking laws with a very systematic approach. (I don’t know if this was to punish his father or just test what he was told.) Swearing, eating the wrong food etc.
~ Meanwhile, at school there was a quiz testing their knowledge of these laws.
~ For some reason he was sent out in the hall, possibly because he irked his teacher

I know this is really vague and I’m probably misusing terms (apologies!) but the author was a riot and I always wanted to track down his book.

Well lookie here. Answered my own question thanks to a slow day at work and creative Googling.

The author is Shalom Auslander and the short story was called “The Blessing Bee”. It doesn’t seem to be in print at this time. Sadness.