Name the Aardvark! A Contest

Name it Tooth-claw

Cerebus the Aardvark is a comic book character that Dave Sim (now legally insane, I think) has been self-publishing for 25 years.

He’s astonishing.

Well, if you know who “Cerebus” is, then by definition you get the reference, since the only Cerebus is Cerebus the Aardvark.

The mythological 3-headed dog who guards the gates of hell (I’m assuming that is who you think “Cerebus” refers to) is actually called Cerberus. As the story goes, cartoonist Dave Sim supposedly saw the name misspelled “Cerebus” once and decided it would make a good name for the title character in a comic book he wanted to create about an aardvark. The book started out as basically a parody of Conan the Barbarian with an aardvark in the lead role, but eventually turned into a highly literary (some would say too literary) commentary about many subjects, including feminism, politics, religious oppression, etc.


Since you’re in Boston, why not Nomaardvark?

Speak for yourself with the Odd-vark pronunciation…

I say Ahd- vak myself! (R’s - we don’t say no steenkin r’s!!!)



Atticus the Aardvark. It just feels right. (No offense to the new parents who just named their kid Atticus. It’s a noble name! Everyone wants it. Even an Aardvark.)

I like that, too, but if said with a Boston accent, it would come out Ahdvahk the Ahdvahk. Too confusing.

Actually, it was Salem who introduced us to the aardvark. Credit where credit is due.

Reaching is good. It adds subtlety. The problem is that the Fonz’s name was Arthur, and we’re right back where we started. Aside from that, I liked it.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it, again; you’re one funny bastard! :smiley:

Ooh! Casey makes a strong comeback!

I don’t get it, but it’s cute.

Kalhoun’s Atticus, and Kalessa’s Aurelius also appeal to me.

How about 'Addy the Aardvark.

BTW that’s supposed to be Eddie but with a silly British accent. What do you mean I can’t name it after myself?

Hey, it begins with “Ce”, ends with “us” and has “e”, “r” and “b” in the middle. So I assume it’s the damn three headed dog!
:smack: I R idiot!

Aanty Maim.

Or Aante Maim.

Laurel… (an Aardy):frowning:
Surprised no one’s trotted out that old joke:
What do you call an Aardvark that can’t fight…
A Vark.

I’m sorry…

I like Quark or Bismark.
I want to win Dishonorable Discharge for suggesting the name Reet.
If the BostDoperFests continue to meet at the same place he could be Boston Billy.

Dunno…lemme think some more.

Stu would be a good name.

Jeez! What a tame thread. I threw out a juicy straight line 9 hours ago, and no one’s pounced on it, yet. What is this world coming to? :rolleyes:

Maybe everyone was just having an aard day.

How about Zzbignew, Zzerxes or Zzachariah?



Okay. You win Miss Congeniality. :slight_smile: What other woman is going to pin the pun, like that?

Might as well wrap this up, while I’m at it, since the flow of bribes that I was counting on never materialized. Here we go.

Dishonorable Discharge - kjckjc, cuz’ he wanted it (god knows why)
Most Creative - X~Slayer(ALE), for Odd-Vahk
Most Beautiful - Kallessa, for Aurelius
Most Humorous - Robot Arm (Sorry, maastricht, he beat you by a nose. Mostly on presentation.)
Most Gladiatorial - Kalhoun, for Atticus. ([groucho]I know a nice atticus when I see one![/groucho])
Most Dignified - dutchboy208, for Nelson Aardvark Mandela
Most Nostalgic - a tie! hopefool, for Artemus and mascaroni, for Laurel
Most Submissive - Aslan of Narnia (well, you did submit a lot of suggestions)
Most Perverse - a tough call, but win goes to Wyatt, for Frenchie
Longest Name - tanookie, for…well, I’m not gonna type all that out
Cutest Suggestion - another tie! parallax, for Snaardvark, SkipMagic, for Fonzie, and maastricht, for Jo.

We also have a dual winner, for Most Graphical and Most Related - Haardvark

Honorable Mentions? Well, everyone else gets an honorable mention. Thank you all for competing, and remember, [smarmy announcer voice] you’re all winners, in your own way. [/smarmy announcer voice]

And, now…the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The new reigning Honorary Advisor to the Aardvark IS…

Casey1505, the comeback kid, with Nomaardvark!