Help Name Our New Dog!

Ok…ok…fine, I give in! After months of my wife dropping none-to-subtle hints, my Teflon veneer of “no-we’re-not-getting-a-dog-and-I-don’t-care-how-much-you-want-one” has cracked wide open.

So we’re getting a dog. All my criteria have been met (small, not a barker, gets along with cats), and the adoption agency is bringing him over sometime in the next week or two for us to meet each other and to do a home inspection.

Now, here’s the problem – his name is Billy The Kid. :dubious:

Nope…that won’t do at all. He’ll just wind up being called Billy, and if you ask me, pets shouldn’t have people names (just something I’m a bit hung-up on).

So, what should we name him? I personally would prefer something a bit odd (my vote was to name him Cat…promptly vetoed by my wife). I’m pretty much handing off the final say on this to kittenlm. And she would like something that fits in with the “theme” we have with our cat’s names: Majyk, Merlin, Powder and Boo.

“Phantom” is a possibility, because of his facial coloration…it looks a bit like the half-mask worn by the Phantom Of The Opera. I dunno, though…I’m just worried about his name winding up being shortened to “Phanny”. :slight_smile:

So, any ideas, folks?

I have decided to name my next dog a string of unintelligent noises. It probably won’t translate well into typed text, but it’s along the lines of

Zzz…diggledybop…POP. The ellipses indicate a slight pause. The “Pop” is vocalized in a higher tone than the remainder. The Zzz is said with decreasing tone, and is sustained for about 1/2 to 3/4 of a second.

You can’t use this name specifically. I lay claim. But feel free to name your dog some other string of unintelligent noises!

[li]Spike[/li][li]Sparky[/li][li]Fireplug[/li][li]Merkin :wink: :smiley: [/li][li]Spooky[/li][li]Hot Stuff[/li][/ul]



Heh…that’d only be appropriate if we had named one of the cats “Kittycat”.


It just came to me when I read the thread title.

There’s also the good old standby, Max. (I have a cat named Max.)

How bout:

Eek (to go with Boo)
The Count
Gandalf (you know, he could chill with Merlin, talk shop)

He’s obviously a blue collar type. He needs a no-nonsense working class name, whatever you come up with.

[li]Casper[/li][li]Sirius (Dog Star)[/li][li]Castor (forget Pollox, sounds too much like …)[/li][li]Mammoth[/li][li]Buck[/li][/ul]

You should retry Cat IMO Great name. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll suggest Marcos or Cedric. Odd enough to be cute, but not cute enough to make him hang his head in shame in front of other dogs.

Um. You might need to give up on your “people” name veto, but…the Phantom of the Opera’s first name was Erik (Erik of the Opera?), which could allude to M. Leroux’s character without opening up the possibility of “Phanny.”

As well, if you or any friends are Python fans, you could just say it’s “Erik the Half a Dog.” Considering the chihuahua mix, it seems quite appropriate if you ask me.

I vote for Erik.

A good friends Dog just died recently at the gran age of 17. So it would be cool if someone named their dog Bouncer. Since Bouncer was the cleverest dog I’ve met and lived to a ripe old age I am sure the name has good vibes attatched.

Mo (for “Masked One”). Or Harley (for harlequin).


How about Wizard, or Warlock?

Along the same lines, there’s also Conjure, Hex, Jinx, Demon, Spectre. Or magic-users from various recent works like Rincewind, Morrolan, Kallandras, Murdan, Tris, Domerc, Mertyn… (whether you recognize the names depends on if you read the same stuff I do :smiley: ).

I named my dog “Hogarth” after the kid in the Iron Giant. It was a great name :slight_smile:

New Dog.
Dog Briston.
Ten Percent.

Damn…if kittenlm wasn’t a anti-Pythonite, I could make a great case for “Erik The Half-A-Breed”. :smiley:

Ok, very good…some definite possibilities there (“Harley” is in the lead right now, even though I ride a Yamaha Maxim :)).

Any more ideas?

I intend to name my next dog Fenrir, even if it’s a chihuahua… no, *especially *if it’s a chihuahua.

I give you special dispensation to use the name as well.