Name this cocktail!

Friend of mine made a new mixed drink…

Canadian Whisky
1 cup of powdered (confectioner’s) sugar per fifth
Lime, Lemon, Cherries, Orange

He is from Fayetteville, home to the University of Arkansas, so he wants to keep it Arkansas themed.

Any ideas?

Bill Clinton’s Sweet Ass Whiskey

A Drink Called Hope?

I got nuttin’

It’s a variation on what’s called a Whiskey Cobbler.

Razorback? Hot Spring?

Call it a “Toothbrush.”


Because if it was from anywhere other than Arkansas, they’d call it a TEETHbrush.


Get it?

My grandmother drank something very like that. She called it an Old Fashioned.

She had no connection with Arkansas, I am afraid.



Based on the ingredients it probably has a pinkish color, I’d go for Arkansas Shrimp Cocktail.

Yeah, it’s a lot like an Old Fashioned, only an Old Fashioned has bitters and a bit of club soda.

Add a dash of bitters and you’d have yourself an Old Fashioned… so howzabout calling it a New Fashioned?

A Louisiana Hat? That way, you get both the subtle Arkansas, plus a reference to my home state.

This is like the joke about how to get help if you are stranded in a remote jungle.

Start making a martini. Almost immediately, someone will be along to tell you “That’s not how to mix a martini!”


THE FLAMING MOE it’s called the Flaming Moe.