name this famous guitar intro - spanish bullfight music?

Trying to describe this famous piece of guitar music we’ve all heard but no one I’ve spoken to can name…

It’s the simple intro most of us Americans associate with a bullfight… here’s the basic rhythm of the intro.

strum. strum. strum.
strum-strum-strum. strum. strum.
strum-strum-strum. strum. strum.

And yeah I’m pretty sure most of you know what I’m talking about now. =) But… who wrote it? What’s it from? Anyone know?

I figure it’s some type of flamenco guitar, but I’m not sure if there is a particular song that is typically used, or if it’s any flamenco guitar piece and it just sounds the same to you?

No, it’s a specific piece… if there any guitar players out there, the chords are:

E. E. E.
E-E-F. F. F.
G-F-E. E. E.

Song has been found:

Ahh, what confused me is that I have typically heard this piece done with wind instruments, not guitar.

Then here’s a good link for you. =)

Wow. Too. Many. Guitars. Must play…

That is a cracking link. The best version of that pretty ubiquitous music by far.
Couldn’t pass this one over Wow at 00:43 indeed!. Complete with extended bum-wiggling!

Also known as the Spanish Gypsy Song (English translation). The song is also strongly associated with the Paso Doble, which is a dance styled after a bullfight in which the lead moves like a matador and the follow like his cape.

That’s also one of about 7 or 8 ballpark organ melodies that I’ve been trying most of my life to identify.