Name this movie schene

I don’t remember what it was, but at one point this guy got a cab ride. When he got to his destination, he jumped out, ran away, and yelled to the cab driver, "Thanks for the ride man, I don’t hitchhick much!"I don’t remember what it was, but that movie was hilarious. What was it?

no body? :frowning:

You posted on a Sunday, give it some time. Here, have a free bump.

I haven’t seen the movie, I’m fairly certain…

Was it the beginning of Stripes where Bill Murray is a cab driver and he gets stiffed by a guy?

That’s the same thing I thought of, Hampshire.


nope, he gets stiffed by two kids. Something is telling me its a John Candy film. But I can’t recall.

Could it have been DC Cab?

Then again, John Candy was in Stripes, too. I’m starting to think it was this movie, because I remember the scene, and the kid said something very similar to what you posted.

I’m just not remembering the line, in Stripes. I can check my DVD when I get home…

no, I’m really not thining its stripes because its the main character who says it.

I don’t think its Planes, Trains, and Automobiles . But hm…

All I can say for now is it is definitely not Stripes, my first guess (BTW - “Thanks for the ride, pal” is what one of the kids says). Pretty sure I’ve seen this though. And, yeah, I was thinking it was some 80’s movie too.

Oh wait Fast Times, maybe. I’m definitely seeing teens and it’s a throwaway scene with bad 80’s music playing on top. But I remember it as “Thanks mister, I don’t usually hitchhike.”

Shit, do we have another, “That’s the beauty of it. It doesn’t DO anything.” on our hands.