Name Your Brand of Humor!!

When in Washington D.C. in the 8th grade, my friend and I came up with a wonderful name for our brand of humor. It suits us completely. I have since vowed that, if ever a man proclaims his brand to be the same as mine, I will in turn proclaim my everlasting love and run away with him forever. Good luck, boys!

Seriously though (although I was totally not joking about marrying that man), what would you call your type of humor?

Self inflicted.

my white wine humor -
light, dry and subtle, with a lingering piquant aftertaste (especially when they finally understand the pun about 3 hours later).

sometimes it’s a Manisciewitz *
Thick, heavy, in need of dilution and sometimes cloying, but sometimes you need a 10W-40 viscosity.

for those few special people: champagne humor -
bubbly, fruity, great with dinner or dessert, but brought out only for only for special company (like Oscar Wilde in a good mood, - though I would never equate myself to the master of wit).

and for those I dislike: aged vinegar humor - ascerbic and cutting to the quick, with no lingering doubt of what you just had (like Oscar Wilde in a really bad mood).

*[sub]I think I spelled that right?[/sub]

My humor is:

[li]Dry as a hay sandwich.[/li]
[li]Incisive as a rabid dingo’s fangs.[/li]
[li]Bent as a five dollar pool cue.[/li]
[li]Off color as a cheap hotel room’s paint.[/li]
[li]Unsparing as a tropical cyclone.[/li]
[li]Loopy as a stunt aeroplane.[/li]
[li]Wicked as felon’s dreams.[/li]
[li]Sharp enough to slice tomatoes on.[/li]
[li]Lame as a two legged dog.[/li]
Witty as a newt.

I guess I’d name my brand of humor “Bob.”

I’m already married, but I do have a brand of humor.

My humor has a first name; it’s O S C A R.
My humor has a second name; it’s M A Y E R.

(That’s when you know you’re a Mom, when you learn from your kids.)

Very dry, backwards, and sarcastic to the point where people can only laugh nervously, wondering if they were supposed to laugh or not.

Mine is basically melano. . . uh? Oh! You said humor!

I dunno. I don’t have much.

Weird. If you know me, it’s funny; if you don’t know me, you don’t get it.



Black as the Ace of Spades.

woodstockbirdybird–you stole my joke. Only I call mine Ermindine–it’s a funnier name.

Little while ago I figured out what made me laugh. The two main components were:

  1. Non-Sequiturs. Anything that makes absolutely no sense compared to what has come before will invariably draw a laugh from me.

  2. Human cruelty. You could view this as the ultimate non-sequitur, but that would be dignifying it too much. I’d imagine it as some sort of defense mechanism, but no matter how you slice it, it makes me laugh.

Having no idea how to describe it, I’ll call it the “Pee Wee Herman Factor”. That doesn’t make any sense, but neither do most of the things that make me laugh.

“It was ten years ago, on a night just like tonight, when I saw the worst accident I ever seen. . .”

Um…before remarking on this thread…what’s this “humor” thing? I do like toast. I hope humor is like toast.

I’m totally with you on that. I have watched people trip and fall while running up the stairs at work, and no matter how inopportune (it’s my boss, say) I can’t help but bust out laughing.
As far as non sequiturs, a friend of mine told me this joke in high school (though I’m the only person I’ve ever met who laughed at it):
Q: What did the dog say to the cat?
A: We’re parked in section C.

Still cracks me up.

Brit wannabe

I also enjoy watching people fall or hurt themselves. Probably why I love Jackass.

No one has called their brand of humor what I call mine as of yet…

No, if I was a Brit wannabe, instead of naming my sense of humor “Bob”, I’d name it Withershamberrycesterfordshire and PRONOUNCE it “Bob.”

Funny you should mention that. I’ve been to Withershamberrycesterfordshire! It was for the world-famous Withershamberrycesterfordshire Art Exhibition and Monster Truck Rally, which is held each August. I had a great time.