Names for a pet, with "white color" connotations?

I need names for an animal, where the defining factor is a pure white coat. This is a female, although androgynous names are welcome. Any language is welcome.

Back story: I’m breeding a less well-known species of rodent (African soft furred rats, or ASFs) and finally hit a big personal goal of getting self (solid colored) in an all white individual. Not albino; she has black eyes.

Scoff, but they haven’t been domesticated yet and don’t have the rainbow available in regular rats or mice. I think I have the first/only self ASF in my state, which is neat-o for the rodent breeding community. Admittedly a small tribe.

I just recently bred her opposite - solid ASF in dark brown - so feel free to suggest names for them, too!

Angelica for the female and Damion for the male?


Snow is an obvious one, as is Blanca. Ooo, expand Ulfreida’s Bianca to Miss Bianca (from The Rescuers).

From here: Names with "white" in Meaning - Behind the Name the ones I like are: Arwyn, Blanche, and Guinevere.

From here: Blizzard, Frost, and Pearl. Also Buttermilk.

I like Arwyn and Pearl.

May I possibly trouble you for a picture of your lovely furred friends?


Fokey. short for 4,000 kelvin.

Tinker(since you’ve been breeding for this result)

Call them both Mokona.

Japanese: Haku, Shiro, Yukie

Beck has always sounded great to me;)
I have very pale blond to silver hair. And I’m not an albino either.

Pure white, so… Blackie?


Marshmallow and Hershey


I second “Bianca.” It is the feminine Italian form of “white”, after all.

Various foreign words meaning white

Ak (Turkish)
Albus (Latin)
Baltums (Latvian)
Bela (Macedonian)
Bodas (Sundanese)
Branco (Portuguese)
Cad (Somali)
Chena (Shona)
Dawb (Hmong)
Fotsy (Malagasy)
Funfun (Yoruba)
Geal (Irish)
Gwyn (Welsh)
Hvid (Danish)
Ke’o-ke’o (Hawaiian)
Khaw (Thai)
Lefko (Greek)
Niveus (Latin)
Pandhara (Marathi)
Pur (Romanian)
Puti (Filipino)
Safeda (Punjabi)
Seto (Nepali)
Shiro (Japanese)
Spitak (Armenian)
Telupu (Telugu)
Tetri (Georgian)
Trang (Vietnamese)
Ucha (Igbo)
Valko (Finnish)
Veḷḷai (Tamil)
Wit (Afrikaans)
Zoreya (Chichewa)
Zuri (Basque)

Brownyn is from a Welsh name, meaning “white / fair breasted”

My all white ball python is named Cracker. I make no apologies for that.

Alba, Branca and Nivea respectively, being a lady. In Portuguese the gent’s color is Castanho; Marrón or Castaño in Spanish. Castanho/Castaño also means the chestnut tree, and chestnuts are marrons (marron singular) in French.