Oh bullshit. My health insurer has a stake in its profitability. If this conflicts with my situation, I lose.
Case in point: I had a hernia a few months ago. It was a serious problem: the hernia was incarcerated, necessitating immediate surgical repair. I handed over my insurance information and went into surgery.
Two months later, everything seemed to be fine. The site of the surgery was healing nicely and the surgeon cleared me for all activities.
And then I got a seventeen thousand dollar bill from the hospital.
Several frantic phone calls later, it turned out that my insurer had simply flatly denied the claim the hospital submitted on my behalf. No review, no question, no explanation, just, No we’re not paying this. Why? The idea is that they need to differentiate between different types of claims, so they aren’t paying for workplace mishaps or auto accidents or anything else for which somebody else, in their view, should be on the hook. They used to send out questionnaires to validate claims, but they had such a poor response rate that they’ve started to put the onus back on the patient. Denying the claim causes the hospital to shrug and turn the expense back to the [del]victim[/del] patient; whereas the individual might regard the bureaucratic questionnaire with only casual interest, the receipt of a huge bill really gets one’s attention. The patient calls the hospital in a panic, is told the claim was denied, calls the insurer, and then is presented with the opportunity to go through the scripted questionnaire on the phone. Then, and only then, is the claim approved, and the money released.
The vague part was, I couldn’t figure out if they were doing this routinely, for everybody, or if they were doing it only for a small subset of their claims, as a pilot type program to see how well it would work.
Regardless, as cynical as I already am, I got even more cynical that day, let me tell you.
So fuck you with the “they have an interest in your health” business, because it’s a Giza Pyramid size pile of steaming horseshit.