NaNoRantMo (November Mini Rants)

It’s that time of the month again: time to start a new mini-rants thread.

I got nothin’ right now. Have at it.

Anti-rant: not very many kids came TorTing yesterday – CHOCOLATE EVERYWHERE!

All I have left over are a couple hot cocoa flavored Laffy Taffies. Even the toddlers had the sense to avoid taking them . . .

There’s so much out there and this is what you come up with? NaNoRantMo? That’s totally pathetic. You get no dinner tonight.

Hunt for Rant November. At least that has a ring to it.

Not my rant, but for a friend. I wonder sometimes how much life can possibly shit on one person. Good friends of mine have been having what seems to be the last couple of years from hell.

She gets pregnant, they’re thrilled. She miscarries. Repeat twice more. She’s in to see her doctor for something unrelated and doctor finds a spot on her skin that looks suspicious. It’s malignant melanoma. Surgery. It’s spread. More surgery, some radiation.

She’s finally in the clear so they decide to start the baby-making process over again. No luck. They look into adoption. Church group tells them to take a hike because they’re not married. They go to a private agency and get approved and get matched with a birth mother. Birth mother backs out at the last minute.

They decide to move to a different state for a fresh start. I can’t say that I blame them. He finds a new job that he likes, she works from home so it doesn’t matter where she is. She’s healthy again. Things are finally looking up for them.

This morning I get an email from him saying that they found another cancerous spot on her skin. It’s on her face, and he says the treatment could possibly make her go blind.

I haven’t responded yet because I don’t even know what to say. “I’m sorry” seems so shallow with all the hell they’ve been through. And I live too far away to be any help other than an listening ear. Life is so completely unfair sometimes.

I was scheduled for a vasectomy this past Friday. Had the initial consultation like two months ago and it took this long to get in on a Friday. One fucking hour before my appointment they call and say the doctor got called in for emergency surgery.

So annoying on multiple levels. Neither me nor my wife are flush with sick days on account of our 18 month old in daycare (or too frequently NOT in daycare due to illness), so burning a day each for no fucking reason really blows. Then there is the matter of my freshly shorn twig and berries which are already itching and with which I will have to start over again in two weeks. Not to mention I am not really stoked for the whole thing and just want to get it over with. There are a number of doctors in this practice, you think they could have one that wasn’t scheduled for such procedures already on call for emergencies.

It was the Red October. Go to the corner and learn your Tom Clancy novels or no dessert for you!

I actually thought NaNoRantMo was a very clever title, Catamount. (I guess this is an anti-rant too.)

My Rant Is: I just lost my rant. Mis-keyboarded or something.

But Wait, There’s More!

When my energy comes back. Watch out, world … :mad:

Having now completed a careful survey (burp!) I will report: we started out with nearly identical numbers of mini Milky Ways, Kit Kats, and Crunch. (As in 3 bags of Crunches and four of the other two, but there are more Crunches per bag.)

There were 24 Milky Ways left. (Were. Heh.) There are 37 Crunches left. (Safe from me, I think they taste waxy.)

And EXACTLY * * * TWO * * * Kit Kats. (Hubby is bummed.)

I would not have predicted this outcome at all.

I guess you weren’t in the loop. Red November was the Aircraft carrier that the US actually did obtain from the USSR. It was on Craig’s list. It’s highly secret so you probably never got the word. Now, pass that chocolate eclair this way and take your eyes off it 'cause I’m not sharing.


By the authority vested in me, the Jackmannii Shadow Government, it is now
illegal for any company doing business in the United States to use photos, graphic
images or other representations of U.S. monuments, government buildings such as
the Capitol, U.S. and state flags, national parks, dead Presidents and other civic
figures in print, television, Internet or radio advertising.

Violations will be punishable by placing those responsible at the ad agency and the
CEOs of such firms in the stocks, with a handy supply of rotten vegetables nearby
for the populace to utilize as it sees fit.

For repeat violations, it gets the hose (again).

I don’t buy Halloween candy anymore. I miss it, but as a Type II diabetic in an apartment building where you may get 40 kids one year and only one kid the next, I don’t need all that stuff sitting around.

Going to be 70 on Wednesday, supposedly. In Minnesota. In November. Kinda wish I could take the day off to enjoy it, but I don’t have any PTO time remaining. :frowning:

Happy Almost Birthday Chimera!

Minnesota, eh? Every since I started reading John Sandford novels I’ve wondered why people actually live there…



70 degrees.

I understand the confusion though. :wink:

I’ll be 60 Tuesday, not taking PTO because I’m getting laid off next month anyway so I’d like to make as much as possible before then.

At least I don’t live in Minnesota.

I got the reference, as that’s an unusual temperature here, this time of year, too. 70’s predicted for today, tomorrow, and Wednesday.


I have Pink Eye. 'Nuff said.

Fifty dollar co-pay, plus slightly more than fifty for the prescription eye drops, plus the general annoyances of visiting a new doctor, plus the annoyances of missing half a day’s work (and probably another-- I had the itchy, wet eyes when I went into work, and halfway through my shift I couldn’t face standing up for another four hours. So I left early. I’ll probably call-in for tomorrow, and give working another try on Wednesday. I’ll then either make up some hours on Friday or take a personal day. So really, I won’t be out cash for missing work-- just for Doctor’s bills, so to speak).

And all over a pair of red, itchy, watery eyes.

Fuck off, fruit flies!

I take Armor Thyroid for hypothyroidism. I’ve taken it for years and for years, it’s been cheap. Now it’s been reclassified to a Tier 3 drug for insurance purposes and the cost has tripled. Last year, a 90-day supply cost $33. Last week, a 30-day supply cost $39. It’s the only thyroid medication that works for me and the price increase SUCKS OUT LOUD!

that is all.