Napster Users: Get some skoolin'!

So I am doing some searches on Napster to find out who sings certain songs. I start looking at the search results and I am appalled at how wrong the file names are. I mean come on, if you are going to bother ripping a song from a CD, at least title the MP3 correctly, and spelling it correctly is also a nice touch, although I will forgive you if you at least get close. In my 5 minutes on there, here is what I learned about music:

1). Pearl Jam sings “Lightning Crashes”
2). They spell their name Perl Jamm
3). The Ramones sing “What I Like About You”
4). Sheryl Crow’s debut single is called “Santa Monica Blvd”
5). Harry Belafonte’s “Banana Boat Song” is really “Beatle Juice Theme”.

The recording industry shouldn’t be so concerned about napster. Examples like those above are what keep me from finding and downloading the music I want to hear.

They’re doing it on purpose xizor.

By miss spelling the artist and/or the song, users make an end run around Napsters master list of songs and artists that can’t be traded over Napster servers. They simply don’t show up as being banned music when they’re miss-spelt.

Simply and effective, so far, but irritating to look at.

The reason most of the songs are spelled incorrectly is the filter napster has now will block all songs which are spelled correctly. The only way to get songs now is to look for madona and metalica.

The rest of the mistakes are the idiots that pop up everywhere, i like humor songs, and aparently everyone on the planet thinks any funny song has to have been done by weird al. If these people were to be exposed to the concept of Dr. Demento and different funny artists, blood would shoot out of their nose and their heads would implode from shock.

Also, if i grab an mp3, but dont get around to changing its name before someone else grabs it, that can spread incorrect song titles around (but is a good marker for advoiding corrupted files)

Oh, and Weird Al has done thousands of comedy songs. :rolleyes:


After 1600 posts, I finally get in there first!

I think, in order to be allowed on Napster, people must first download at least a gigabyte of Mp3’s - from a 28.8 connection, no less - without the use of ANY file-sharing programs at all.

That’s right, force the little bastards to actually WORK for their music, by going through warez sites, bad porn sites, and crappy “Lookit my Sailor Moon site, I’m 8 years old!” sites.

That is a good point, Chris and Tarkas (and rather ingenious, oh I love the sly wickedness of it all!) but I noticed fuckups like these long before the record companies compiled their Lists of Doom. Most of them were songs attributed to the wrong artist, the product, I think, of pure ignorance. (Fer example UB40’s version of Red Wine listed as being by Bob Marley, 'cause um, all reggae’s by that dude, right?)

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads. Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!

I’ve seen plenty of mistakes, but I found one file that had the artist and title wrong. I downloaded “Superman” by They Might Be Giants and got “Spiderman” by Moxy Früvous.

Yeah, I was kinda wondering about something I ran across in Napster yesterday. “Uptown Love Girl Shack” by Billy Joel and the B-52s. I didn’t download it – I didn’t want to discover that, by some outrageously slim chance, it was real. The prospect of this was just too weird and crawly to consider. A mixture of Uptown Girl and Love Shack? [Android’s Dungeon guy] Most Annoying Song…Ever! [/Android’s Dungeon guy]

I definitely agree that a lot of the mistakes are on purpose to elude the filters…

but I also found that misattributed songs BEFORE were a marketing ploy. They bank off of a name that you know…you download a song thinking it’s new material and it really belongs to someone else, a new band…and you listen to it.

You discover it’s not Limp Bizkit and if it’s good, you want to find who really did it.

For a long time, any song sung in German was attributed to Rammstein, and one band fan base even admitted to doing that so that more people would hear their music.


I can see mis-spelling the artist and changing the song title to get around the filters, but that still leaves some mystery in misattributing songs to other artists. Attributing Steve Miller’s JetAirliner to Jeffereson Airplane is more confusing to users than filters. So, either the DMF who ripped the song couldn’t read the artist off the CD, or someone changed the file name because he/she “knew better”, or changed it to be malicious, or there is illuminati involvement.

And Jarbabyj, I doubt any record company is or was doing any marketing on napster, I would need to see proof of this before I believed it.

well xizor, if you read my post you’ll see that I said a ‘fan base’ was doing it. When I say marketing, I guess I mean small time ‘word of mouth’ fan base marketing.

Megaherz and Witt are German industrial metal bands, similar to Rammstein. They don’t get the press or airplay that Rammstein gets so their fans misattribute Megaherz songs to Rammstein so that Rammstein fans will download them…listen, realize that clearly it ISN’T Rammstein, and search the title to see if it’s someone else.


jarbaby – working hard to eventually mention rammstein sixty five times in one post.

just last night mark tried to use winmx to “prove” to me that the beatles did mrs. robinson. ha to all of you who thought i didn’t know who did that song because i’m too young! he’s almost thirty and didn’t know!

and he wanted to download a punk version of it. i already have to listen to the punk summer of '69 that he got. damn kids, messing up all the good songs…

I think I’m showing my age here but I thought any song in German was done by Nena.

wanders off mumbling 99 Luftballons

Yes a lot of the misspellings are an effort to get around the filters. What is really annoying is the ones who have converted their whole catalog into pig latin.

A search for Metallica yeilds nothing but try looking for etallicamay. You’ll get hundreds of hits.

Annoying? That is uckingfay illiantbray!

Metallicock works too.

Napster users… bitter? :smiley:

I personally love the japesters who rename Weird Al songs back to the original titles. Like ‘Make My Boobies One Mre Size’.

Oh, and a parody track of every Pixies song at once called Motherbanger… if you like the pixies search ‘Chris Morris’ and ‘Pixies’ it isn’t filtered yet.

that was pretty irrelevant. viva napster!

Hey jarbaby, I’ve heard the guy who sings for Rammstein is actually not too bad lookin’. Care to confirm that and describe him a little bit?
