National Lawn Care

This guy isn’t for real is he?
National Lawn Care.

"Ultimately, they will be denied access to jobs, education, and even health care. "
All this because of their lawns. This kind of thing makes me want to smoke crack.

BTW, check out his links on the top.

I don’t have time, but I imagine if I went to every corner of the site, I’d eventually find Hank Hill’s picture.

It’s a joke - from the guys main page:

National Lawn Care Now!
O.K., so it’s a humor page, probably my favorite - but it’s aimed at exposing the follies of the creeping socialism that is sinking roots into American turf. Thus, it qualifies as a “social issues” page.

Thanks for the replies!
I am truly a lawn care dolt. Thank you for pointing out the obvious to me porcupine!
I also found this: "…has necessitated federal action in the form of an injunction against these sites, along with other pending actions as directed by law. Among the allegations being investigated are operation of a satirical organization without a permit in violation of USC 93 Sec. 245a. "

I must be satirically impaired this week.