Navy recruting spam?

I just received an email from “Navy” with the subject “Accelerate Your Life”. It’s an offer for a free Navy video. It has a form requesting name, address, age, education, etc. I did a WHOIS search on the domain that the form posts to and it is administered by the US Navy Recruiting Command in TN and the admin has a .mil address so apparently it is for real. At the bottom of the email it claims that I opted in to receive offers from “UWinit” so it may not really be “spam”, but I don’t remember opting in for this. I usually know better than that.
I certainly don’t object to legitimate recruiting activities but I wonder if this might not backfire. People might not appreciate receiving “spam” (or what they perceive as spam) from the US government. I’m wondering if this is officially sanctioned by the Navy or if some recruiter took it on himself to do this. I also wonder if the recruiter may have been taken in by a less than scrupulous advertising agency.
Has anyone else gotten one of these?

I just noticed the typo in the subject name. It should have been recruiting rather than recruting. Actually, now that I think about it, it should probably be “Navy Recruitment Spam?”. Maybe a mod can fix this. Or maybe it doesn’t matter since no one seems interesting in discussing this anyway…

Huh. I’ve been getting lots of snail-mail spam from the Navy, they’re reallllllly trying hard to interest me in signing up. (All these bounses! Good pay! Good jobs!)

But mine are being mailed out of St. Louis, which I found odd, since I live in Tennessee.

Haven’t gotten an e-mail version yet, and my hotmail account seems to be on every single mailing list out there…

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Geeze… that should have been “interested in discussing this.”

You probably fit a profile. Back when I was in college, everytime I made the dean’s list I got snail mail from the military. IIRC it was from the Navy and was about officer training. They would never have taken me because of my health and they certainly wouldn’t want me now. Now I’d be disqualified for both age and health.