Necco may soon shut down

News from the Revere (MA) Journal a year ago:

Allow me to doubt the truth of that statement. As I said, nobody answers the phones, and hasn’t for most of the past year. They sold the building years ago, and have been leasing it, but the last lease was for only one year?

There are fewer than 100 employees now (all line workers, I assume), down from 400:

Does that sound like a company that’s trying to grow?

That’s the first thing I thought of when I read the thread title. “Damn their Yankee candies.” :smiley:

Haviland Wintergreen Patties are wonderful.

Just to show that this has been long in the makling, have a look at this article from the Worcester Telegram from 2010:

Yet another example of how private equity firms ruin a working company.

I’m going to miss that chocolate chalk!

I want to let Necco wafers die out. I then want to buy the rights and bring them back as Necro wafers.

Kinda souds that way. :frowning:

While not a big fan of flavored drywall, part of me wants them to continue existing.

This is so true! I always felt really let down when these showed up in my Halloween plastic pumpkin. We would yell to other kids on the sidewalk, “don’t go to that house, they are handing out candy corn!”

I also would have to add Twizzlers. Yuck! Tastes like plastic. Amazes me it is still popular enough to have a current ad campaign.

And the licorice Neccos were the worst! Licorice of any kind (hence my disdain for Twizzlers) reminds me too much of that revolting black Creomulsion cough syrup my mother poured down my throat from the age of 3 until I was about 7 or 8 and could fight her off.

and those damn peeps!

When I was three Mom went to the hospital to have baby brother. Since Dad was on the road a lot, Mrs. White was hired to take care of me. I remember two things about Mrs White. One is she kept candy corn in her purse as a bribe, the other is a hand clutching a soapy wash cloth headed for my face.* Seems the last thing Mom told her as she headed out the door was, “Make sure he keeps his face clean.” When she got back a week later my cheeks had been scrubbed raw. I do not like candy corn.

*The facehugger in Alien bothered me. A lot.

Peeps are just the glammed up, sparkly cousins of circus peanuts.

A third thing wouldn’t be that she looked like Joanne Woodward, would it?

Nooooooooooooo! Now I’ll have to find alternate roof tops for my gingerbread houses.

That’s what I came in here to say! Necco wafers aren’t for eating, silly Rabbit*, Necco wafers are for roofing gingerbread houses.

  • apologies to Trix fans everywhere

I love Necco wafers and I am going out tomorrow to buy a bunch. White/black/chocolate are my favorite. I also like Sky Bars, so retro, but I can’t remember the last time I bought one. adds to list

I think candy corn was secretly developed by a bitter, deviant, type-1 diabetic food scientist who worked for a candy company that had no idea what kind of sickness was fermenting deep in it’s bowels.

Then one day the mad scientist unleashed his little waxy, hard, flavorless wad of a brainchild onto the world. People eat them because other people eat them, who see…you get the point. Don’t nobody like that shit!!! :rage: But people continue to subject themselves to the evil of the 'corns by eating em and suffering, all because that’s what they think the polite fucking thing to do is.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.

…how did they stay in business so long anyway?

I finally caved and ordered some that appeared to be reasonably priced. :frowning: I actually like eating the things, especially when they’re nice and crisp.