Ned calls the Gay & Lesbian channel (NOT SAFE FOR WORK)

I’m gay, and I found this funny. :smiley:

snicker ahahahahahhaa, who is that guy?

Here’s a guarenteed sure-fire smash hit: *Gilligan’s **hole! The Skipper wanted Gilligan’s tail,
His pant’s he did unzip.
That big fat homo was too large,
He crushed little buddy’s hip.
The mate was a failed transexual…

Oh, it’d be too priceless if he was calling Cox Communications!

Hilarious! :smiley:

I sent it to my wife. I hope she pays attention to the “not safe for work” notice.

this guy Ned is part of a morning show run by Bubba the Love Sponge. One of the Hartford radio stations signed him out of Fla. or something, guess he was pretty popular down there.

Bubba’s show is your typical ‘shock jock’ morning stuff, lots of screaming at callers, calling people ‘dicks’ and ‘assholes’ and being very opiniated and whatnot. Raised quite a commotion here when he came here in Sept.

Unfortunately, I can only give his show the worst possible review - it’s just plain dull. I gave up after a day or so, can’t even tune to it now.

Ned, however, does a bunch of these call-in routines, some of which I must say are pretty damn funny. Since the radio station here replays them all the time, it’s hard not to run across them.


Really hilarious. I loved hearing the woman try to stop from laughing, and failing.

The “Push it in pull it out. Push it in pull it out.” part had me rolling on the floor.

If I found this hilarious, does that make me a bad person?

** scott evil **

Oh MAN! Thanks for one of the funniest things I have herd in a LONG
Time! What I want to know is was it for real, ned had to have called over several days. That receptionist was a good sport.

Thanx, Janx