What's the funniest radio show out there?

I’m far more interested in radio than television for my entertainment. I’ve heard several shows over the years and feel that Orlando’s “Monsters of the Midday” is the best I’ve ever heard. They are truly gifted in chatter, songs and skits. Plus they just about the sharpest group I’ve heard that ad-lib like mad! Very talented group. They maintain a quality that few radio shows can…but then again, I’d like to know your opinion.

What’s your favorite and why?

“Wait Wait – Don’t Tell Me” on public radio. It’s about news events, but the panelists include Roy Blount, PJ O’Rourke, Paula Poundstone, plus a bunch of regulars you’ve probably never heard of.

Here’s a link.

Phil Hendrie! On the Phil Hendrie Show there are lots of hilarious guests. If you can’t get it on your local radio station, you can download clips of Phil’s show off of IRC.
Log onto the the starlink.org network, and the room where people have clips is #retardtraffic
If you really like the clips but can’t get the show the official website has a stream of it, but you have to pay for it.

A Praire Home Companion headed by Garrison Keilor.

Several times I have bust a gut laughing during the show.

i vote for glenn beck. he has been kind of serious lately (duh, who hasen’t) but he can make some very solid points through the absurd. i love “moron trivia”. takes a while to get used to. and jim dingle…“talking issues”. too bad glenn won’t let him have more airtime…but his page is to die for. i love to “talk issues”.eh,eh.

i also LOVE LOVE LOVE phil hendrie. his “guests” are great. one of his primary sponcers is ted bell, owner of “teds of beverly hills” (a steakhouse) - a restaurant whos jingle is “we love to put our meat in your mouth”.
i challenge anyone to name something better than him (phil)interviewing art bell about the “boogyman” under chandra levy’s bed. irreverent? sure. funny…bring the depends. i did mean more than one.:wink:

oh i forgot to give my plug to the local (regional, now) sports show i listen to, though not a terribly big sports fan. www.finebaum.com. you can listen via the web, or try www.al.com for live streaming (3-7pm CST). good sports and interviews and the callers are true “fans”. ("=insane)

hope these links work, look over me, i am new.

Tom Leykisp - His ask the athiest hour is the funniest bit I’ve ever heard.

Other shows I love:
Bj Shea - “Because once a day, you deserve a BJ”
The Ron and Don Show - “That guy Ty is at the sports desk on the Ron and Don show, feel the knowledge. SPORTS!”

I meant Leykis.

Dan and Scott Show for the late eyada.com (Internet radio), was my favorite.

Harry Shearer’s Le Show

The man is a genius.

Loveline - Adam Carolla is one of the funniest guys on the planet. His off-the-cuff remarks are funnier than most people’s written material. I don’t like him on The Man Show, though. He seems stiff on TV; he’s much better in the more informal medium like a radio call-in show.

Car Talk, of course!

  1. Car Talk.
  2. Michael Feldman’s Whad’ya’ Know.
  3. Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me.
  4. Prairie Home Companion

Car Talk and Wait, Wait… are both very good, but I have to cast my vote for Says You!

Car Talk.


Hendrie’s a genius - as long as you don’t get whooshed by his “guests”…

Leykis is a moron…

NPR is…welll…so…uh…BIRKENSTOCK - that’s the only word I can use to describe it…

My favorite funny show is re-runs of the old Jack Benny Radio Programs of the 40s and 50s…heard in Los Angeles every Saturday night between 9:00-9:30.

You have to smile when you hear the late, great, Mel Blanc as the train station announcer intoning “Train leaving on track number 9…for Anaheim, Azusa, and Cuc…amonga…

Or does this mean I’m old?

Rico, if we’re counting the old stuff, I nominate The Phil Harris/Alice Faye Show. Or The Mel Blanc Show . (Both JB spin-offs that out-funny Mr. Benny by a long way.) It Pays To Be Ignorant is a great old parody of panel quiz shows that still nearly makes me pee myself.

I can’t believe that I forgot to mention Stephen Fry’s Saturday Night Fry. Interested parties can find a taste on my webpage. (Please don’t post the link anywhere, my bandwidth is limited.)

Car Talk is great.

I also like to listen to reruns of I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again on BBC7. This BBC show ran from 1964 to 1973. John Cleese was a cast member for much of the run. That’s pre-Python, of course, and of interest to any Python fan.

Bob and Tom used to be wicked funny with that one dude named Chic McGee. Too bad they don’t broadcast in my area anymore. Now I have Elliot in the Morning on DC101–he’s been kicked off the air more times that any other DJ i know–even Stern

Well, the all-time funniest radio program is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its first broadcast today: Amos ‘n’ Andy