Need a browser for MacOS 8.6 on an iMac.

OK, so I was able to get this iMac running after finding an 8.6 install disk. Posting here on it now but it’s just crap the way it displays, etc. No auto-refresh on Fox Sports’ site, the text looks goofy, yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s running IE 4.5.

I’ve tried searching for a new browser but it seems like everything is set up for OS X. Also, I have no idea if it’s possible, and if so how, to update anything on this.

Anyway, any help on getting this up to snuff will be appreciated. It’s one of the older iMacs, though still not entirely sure on what model, etc.


See if you can find iCab-- a German-made thing that I used that I liked.

Ah, or Mozilla (same project family as Netscape/ Firefox) back at 1.2.1 and such worked with OS 9–
and scroll down to the bottom.
has some versions for OS 8.5 or so.