Need computer help

Need computer help

I need help with my HP Pavilion laptop N5125. The fan no longer runs so the computer overheats and crashes. How do I correct this?

Check to be sure that the power header for the fan is firmly plugged in. If so, then the fan needs to be replaced. If you’re not familiar with working inside laptop computers I recommend against you trying to fix it yourself, as there are delicate components and assemblies inside that are easily damaged.

Which fan? There’s one in the power supply and typically one above the CPU (or in my case, liquid cooled heat sink).

Dern it, I kinda didn’t see the part about the “laptop.” Yeah, just do what Q.E.D. said.

Yeah, laptop.

I think adding a small external fan aimed at the right spot to get some airflow going might be a quick and easy fix.

Like one of these, with maybe a little duct tape :wink: