Need For Speed: Underground... the fix is in.

I got NFS:U a few weeks ago off the discount rack because I had remembered it as a fun game. And it is, but I still have a few objections to the way the game is programmed.

I can almost set my watch to how long I stay in the lead when I finally take it. Almost invariably a car pulls out in front of me, and the next thing I know I’m in 4th place with no chance of winning. The funny thing about it is that if I run the race in 2nd and stay right on the tail of the leader a car never pulls out in front of him. It’s only when I’m in front.

Also, the physics package is pretty hinky. I can take turns at 150 MPH all day long and use the walls to kick me around the corners, as long as I’m not in the lead. When I’m in front and I hit the wall I spin 15 times, roll over 10 times, and end up facing backward, once again putting me in 4th place. In drag races I try every lane and whatever lane I’m in there’s always a car in my way. Unless, of course, I’m not in the lead.

It almost seems as though the game doesn’t want you to win so it cheats. Does it make the game more challenging? Sure. But man, is it ever frustrating to run a 6 lap circuit race over and over again, getting within sight of the finish line, and hitting the “random” car, causing you to lose. It makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes.

Yet another objection: I’m hauling ass, flat out, and my opponents are way behind. I take a turn at full speed without touching the wall or powersliding, and somehow they shoot by me like I’m standing still. How, pray tell, is it possible to make up 3 seconds on 1 turn when I’m running away from them just before that turn? Nothing has changed, I’m still flat out, I didn’t hit anything, and suddenly I’m in 3rd? I call BS on that.

Ah, what the hell. It’s a fun game. I just get tired of getting jobbed at the end of a perfect race becuase the computer gives my opponents magic speed (it’s not NOS, by the way, because if it is they have an endless supply since it sometimes happens three or four times in a race). I guess I’ll just stick to drift. I’m the drift master. I’m really good at sprints. But drag and circuits? I beat them through endless repitition, and that’s annoying. Oh well.

You should try Burnout 3: Takedown. Fantastic game. The sense of speed and the ability to keep your lead is much higher than what you’re describing here. the only problem is the difficulty of handling the really fast cars, like the F1 racers.

Oh, and not having licensed vehicles, and instead having kind of mundane no-name cars that all look the same, that’s disappointing too.

Otherwise, highly recommended.

You are describing an ‘AI’ cheat technique called rubber banding. This is used to keep races competative by nether allowing the AI to fall to far behind the player. You may need to adjust your driving style (either gain the lead earlier, and beat the pack twice, or leave off gaining the lead till near the end, or jsut keeping a short distance ahead).
Several more sim like games don’t have rubber banding (FORZA, GT3, GT4 etc.) but in these games you will find that if you have a far superior skill and or vehicle you can gain the lead earlier and then coast to victory in many races.
BTW what platform are you playing on and are you playing Need For Speed Underground 1 or 2 ?

Doesn’t Underground let you turn off the “Catch up” feature/bug/cheat? I’m pretty sure the first one does, anyway.