I am looking for a portable radio that has great am reception. Is there anything better than the GE SuperRadio III out there?
The super radio III is pretty good. Unless you’re prepared to spend $165 for a cc-radio-plus, I’d go with the GE (IMHO).
I suppose it would be too much to expect a high-end radio (like the ones mentioned here) to come with a tape deck.
But if this is going to be a radio geek thread, can anyone point me to a good Walkman-like rig? (That is, a carryable radio with a tape deck, and preferably with digital tuning and presets as well. WB/TV audio tuning a plus. Must like headphones.)
Hi Czarcasm, welcome to the SDMB
Your question would be better answered in IMHO.
General Questions Moderator
That’s interesting. That is the first shortwave radio I’ve ever seen that can handle tapes of any kind.
Here’s some good info
How to Get Better AM Radio Reception + Radios that are Good for AM
Meant to post this in the last message
This unit is reputed to be the best (reasonably priced) portable AM radio you can buy.
I’m using a Grundig S350 as my alarm clock. It’s got real good AM sensitivity, and excellent FM as well (better than my harmon/kardon reciever). It has a stereo line out for use with a home stereo too.