Need Headhunters! (the employment kind, not the kill-you-in-the-jungle kind)

Hi everybody. I need help. I’m trying to change the direction my (non) career is (not) going in, and need to get in contact with some headhunters to assist in my job search. Anyone know of some good placement agencies, particularly in DFW or Austin? Any to be avoided? Testimonials/horror stories?

Any help or information will be greatly appreciated.

By the way, my next post will be #1138 - and I’m enough of a geek to think that’s pretty cool!

I don’t have any help for ya, sorry. But I’m also geeky enough to think post #1138 is cool!

Rereads title. Puts away machete. Smiles politely. Backs out of thead.

I tried to get the 1138 license plate ( with the three-letter prefix ); no dice.

Unfortunately, the headhunter industry seems to be experiencing a lot of thinning out and fairly high turnover ( seems like there’s a whole new batch everytime I go looking for a new contract); so I think you’ll just have to talk to as many as you can and choose the ones that seem most likely to succeed.

Trouble is, I need to find company names to get to the headhunters themselves - I don’t know which ones are just temp agencies making vague promises and which ones will really try to find permanent placement that fits the job hunter’s abilities. Can you toss some company names out, Carcosa?

I’ve worked with TekSystems ( both good and bad ) and a few others. Lately, I’ve been using a lot of smaller local agencies and that seems to be working out fairly well. My suggestion would be to browse the employer section on a few sites like dice, careerbuilder, computerjobs, etc… . You’ll be able to find the large and small agencies in your area.