Need help finding a resistor array

I’m trying to fix a board, it need a resistor array that is a "“MLR8C4” and then it says either “IAM” or “1AM” (I can’t tell if it’s a letter I or a 1), so it’s either “MLR8C4IAM” or “MLR8C41AM”).

I tried googling but there are no results for either, and I don’t know manufacturer to search on digikey or mouser. How can I find another one?

Reading around about resistor arrays, it looks like it has a dot on the left which would mean it is a “common bus” type.

It may have come froma company in Hong Kong.

Thanks, they’re just resistors so the brand isn’t that important as long as the resistance is right. Would they be 8 ohm resistors common bus, or 4 ohm? I can’t tell from the naming scheme, have never had to deal with resistor arrays before since they don’t really go bad, it’s just that this one is missing.

(My theory is that someone used this board for a parts board to fix another identical game and stole the resistor array from this one, because it took me a good couple hours to fix the 7 tiny broken traces, I doubt an arcade operator would spend this much time and effort to save a game…)

Ok, do you have a board with one of these on it?

Yeah, I’m trying to remove one of them now with my desoldering iron, it’s quite difficult because the solder points are very small. I’ll try taking an ohm reading when I have it out of circuit.

Yeah, basically it’s a resistor array, you should be able to find a replacement.

They’re almost certainly pull-up resistors. Probably 10KΩ.

Do you have a Hot-air gun? It makes desoldering these much easier.

I do. The problem isn’t getting the resister array out (well it is, I tried unsuccessfully last night), it’s that the traces are TINY and I’m afraid of burning them up to get the array out to measure it. :frowning:

I might have no choice though.