Need help finding Desktop sharing program

I tried using Windows Netmeeting to connect to a friend and use desktop sharing to help with something. However when I tried dialing thier IP address it said user declined, but they never got prompted. The same thing happened roles reversed.

Does anyone know of a simple desktop sharing program I could use? And hopefuly free? It would be helpful if it were messenger based so IPs wouldn’t tangle up somehow. Thanks!

bah come on

I would check your firewall settings before I deciding that netmeeting does not meet your needs. If your firewalls are blocking this then switching programs will probably not help.

Actualy, if I could get netmeeting to work, all the better.

I dont use a firewall, and niether does the person I am trying to contact. I have tried calling my father’s computer, and it works. However he cant call me. Some of these problems are just so odd it’s hard to troubleshoot

Are you using “Remote Desktop”? Make sure the ‘service’ is started.

No its not that, it wont even let me connect with the other person on net meeting…

I should also mention that I am using a computer that is connected by lan to another computer that shares internet for my use.

Ick. This gets really complicated if either (or both) computers are behind any sort of firewall, router, or LAN. You have to set up some sort of port sharing. What kind of connection sharing are you using? Is it a hardware router? Is it the Windows XP “Internet Connection Sharing” program?

Instead, you might want to try the free trial of the GoToMyPc service, a web-based desktop sharing service that should automatically work with firewalls/LANs/whatever.

The internet sharing is done through Lan, both machines using windows 2000 pro. The computer I am trying to contact, and mine, both have the latest version of netmeeting. Any ideas? Until then I’ll try that link

You’re going to have to forward some ports for Netmeeting. I’d go ahead and do this, 'cause pretty much every other product not involving a third party server (such as GoToMyPC) is going to require port forwarding.

The problem is that Netmeeting is listening on port 1720 on your computer, but your computer isn’t the first stop on the way in. The PC sharing inet access receives a request on port 1720, says “I don’t have any program running on that port”, and drops the connection. You need it to instead pass on that connection to your machine. Depending on what product you’re running for internet sharing, this may be easy, hard, or impossible.

In this case, we’d call the PC sharing internet access the ‘firewall’. At work, we have a standalone piece of network hardware doing that. For home use, most people use routers which include this functionality, or run a software firewall on the computer itself.

LogMeIn is free, easy to set up, fast, and seemless. It requires nothing but the web to work. I think it is about the best thing ever. I can get on my home computer from anywhere within seconds with it and it is just like I am sitting in front of it.