Mr. Rilch and I are in the process of changing insurance companies. This was in the works long before my car was broken into night before last. I got a call from the insurance broker asking me to come in and have my VIN number photographed. Should I not do so just yet? I mean, would they refuse to cover me if they see the damage to the car that wasn’t there when I filled out the application?

I need to know this in about ten minutes. Sorry to panic, but that’s as long as I can wait before I can’t go at all. Thanks in advance!

I don’t think they’d refuse to cover you. But surely, you don’t expect they would cover damage you had before you bought their policy. I’ll assume that you’re not trying to figure out a way to trick them or anything.

No, I don’t want them to cover it. I’m just afraid that they’ll say, “We won’t cover that car; it’s a risk.”

All right, I’ve got to go, to get a new garage remote. I’ll decide whether or not to go to the insurance. This also depends on whether I have time after the garage remote.

Update: I didn’t go to the insurance broker. Didn’t have time. Mr. Rilch and I will sort it out.

Mods, please close this thread. Also, I hope I didn’t scare anyone!