Need help removing clock from mini Galway Crystal Clock

Somebody sent me a mini grandfather clock made of Galway Crystal. The battery is dead and I need to install a new one. The clock face is set inside the crystal body. There is no way to open the body (without smashing it and taking out the clock from the shards.) It appears the clock pops out in some way but I am buggered if I can figure out how. Does anyone have one of these mini clocks or know exactly where to pry to get the clock to come out? This one was sent without instructions as to how to get the clock out.


Do you have access to a suction cup as in children’s toys-one that you could stick to the face of the clock to see if it just pulls out? Failing that, I’d take it to a clockmaker and observe what they do to get the mechanism out.

After a visit to Galway’s website, I think it would be wiser to lay the clock on it’s back, and see if you can fit a thin blade between the brass ring surrounding the clock crystal and the crystal body. A bit of purchase on eash side alternating ought to work the movement out. Failing that, you’re back to my previous post.

Oh, I used to have a clock like that.

The “brass” is the decorative bit that hides the seam between the clock and the crystal and it’s attached to the clock itself. The clock is surrounded by a plastic/rubber gasket to keep it in the crystal, and sometimes it keeps it in there really, REALLY well. I had a flat/Philips tweaker combo at the time and that’s what I used to pry it out. Try an eyeglass screwdriver. Make sure you come in from the outside; it’ll break if you try to pry the brass from the clock face.

Thanks! You are nice to help out.