Welcome to the heat wave of 2011. Here in “balmy” northwest Indiana we hit 103 degrees F today (40 C). It feels like Arizona, except Arizona has never been this humid. It’s awful.
I have a four year old air conditioner, a window unit, that usually keeps the place cool, but usually my area rarely hits as high as 90 F. Today, it’s 87 degrees F inside. Now, that is better than outside, tis true, and it’s much less humid inside than out so the window unit is doing something… but I am not, shall we say, overjoyed.
I can cope reasonably well, but I have a spouse with multiple chronic health problems who just doesn’t have a lot of heat tolerance. So far, he’s doing OK (I’ve been keeping an eye on him) and between the cool showers, the extra fluids, and the fans we’ve been coping. The family flock has been doing OK, too - I’ve kept the birds supplied with plenty of water, and they’ve all been taking two baths a day. They aren’t showing signs of overheating (hot feet, holding their wings away from their body, panting, etc.) so I guess they’re OK, too.
Now, on to the real question: what, if anything, can I do to improve the AC performance?
Yesterday we did pull the unit out of the window, pull the cover and clean it out front and back.
Is the temperature drop just what I can expect out of a relatively small window unit and I just need to cope?
Is this a sign the AC is dying? (I sure hope not - I don’t have the money to replace it. I don’t have the money to fix it, unless it’s something we can do ourselves).